The business unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) offers its project partners the technical know-how and solutions for the realization of modern media applications. Research and development focuses on the implementation of machine learning for media technologies, the interoperable support of various media platforms, the personalization of services and the interaction with these services on a wide range of end devices. For this, Web-based technologies are used consistently. FAME is active in corresponding standardization committees and supports industrial partners in the development and evaluation of interoperable solutions. To stay informed about coming events, including the FOKUS Media Web Symposium, and news of Fraunhofer FOKUS FAME, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Contact Press / Media
Dr.-Ing. Stefan Arbanowski
Director Business Unit Future Applications and Media
Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 30 3463-7197