Publikationen Software-based Networks


Publication Type
2025 OpenLanes: network emulation system for mega-constellation networks
Buhr, Hauke; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zaboub, Manar; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2025 Repurposable payloads: concept, design, and initial results
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Grozea, Cristian; Riemer, Björn; Zaglauer, Helmut; Kim, Jung-Hyo; Kapovits, Adam
Journal Article
2025 Transforming 5G Mega-Constellation Communications: A Self-Organized Network Architecture Perspective
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Caus, Màrius; Artiga, Xavier; Guidotti, Alessandro; Barth, Benjamin; Cola, Tomaso de; Tallon, Justin; Zope, Hemant; Tarchi, Daniele; Parzysz, Fanny; Naseh, David; Shinde, Swapnil Sadashiv
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica


Publication Type
2024 Implementation of a Service Based Interface for User Plane Functions in Beyond 5G and 6G Networks
John, Joel; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Performance of VoNR and OTT Voice in Congested and Uncongested 5G Networks
Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Mwangama, Joyce; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Malila, Bessie; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Employing 5G Mobile Networks in Keeping Elderly Healthy and Active
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Kuntz, Simone; Jansen, Mareike; Grohnert, Anne; Liebscher, Gregor; Häusler, Benny; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Lahmann, Nils; Zope, Hemant; Eichhorn, Fabian; Bormann, Tim; Mousa, Celin; Seridarian, Zak; Shamasna, Sulaiman
Conference Paper
2024 End-to-end QoS Management Solution for 5G NTN Mega-Constellations
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Zope, Hemant; Chakraborty, Pousali; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 5G Wound Management System for Remote Areas
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Lahmann, Nils; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Hocquel-Hans, Martin; Kuntz, Simone; Deter, Anne; Grohnert, Anne; Häusler, Benny; Zope, Hemant
Conference Paper
2024 Micro Core Networks Assessment in the Cloud-Native Beyond 5G/6G Mobile Network Operator Deployments Context
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zope, Hemant; Magedanz, Thomas; Kurata, Masayuki; Suzuki, Masaki
Conference Paper
2024 Multi-3GPP Connectivity Concept, Architecture and Specific Implementation Details
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Troudt, Eric; Barth, Benjamin; Sebastian, Roshith; Scheich, Christian; Cola, Tomaso de
Conference Paper
2024 Integrating Open-Source VoNR in 5G SA Private Networks: An Experimental Evaluation
Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Mwangama, Joyce; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 An SDN-Based Solution for Mega-Constellation Routing
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Zope, Hemant; Zaboub, Manar
Conference Paper
2024 OPEN6GNET: A Learning and Experimentation Platform Based on Open-Source Solutions and Cloud-Native Approaches
Santos De Brito, Mathias; Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Que Le, Ba; Magedanz, Thomas; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Mwangama, Joyce
Conference Paper
2024 Receive Side Scaling Analysis of eXpress Data Path Extensions for 5G User Plane Functions
Scheich, Christian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 SENDIT: a satellite network routing digital twin solution for mega-constellations
Buhr, Hauke; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Long, Zhou; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Towards efficient conflict mitigation in the converged 6G Open RAN control plane
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Modroiu, Ramona; Eichhorn, Fabian; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2024 Shortcuts: A Simple Mechanism for Reducing the Data Path Delay in Beyond 5G and 6G Networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zope, Hemant; Buhr, Hauke; Scheich, Christian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Organic 6G networks: ultra-flexibility through extensive stateless functional split
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2024 Multi-Layered Satellite Communications Systems for Ultra-High Availability and Resilience
Höyhtyä, Marko; Anttonen, Antti; Majanen, Mikko; Yastrebova-Castillo, Anastasia; Varga, Mihaly; Lodigiani, Luca; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zope, Hemant
Journal Article
2024 Machine Learning Pipeline For Anomaly Detection In Next Generation Networks
Gopikrishnan, Akash; Rao, Alqama; Prakash, Arun; Gowtham, Varun; Schreiner, Florian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Hein, Christian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Enhance the multipath connection using AF XDP sockets
Le, Ba Que; Santos De Brito, Mathias; Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Area Services: A Novel Service Class for B5G & 6G Mobile Networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Buhr, Hauke; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2024 Findings of the WMT 2024 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Test Sets on Abstract Level
Neves, Mariana; Grozea, Cristian; Thomas, Philippe; Roller, Roland; Bawden, Rachel; Névéol, Aurélie; Castle, Steffen; Bonato, Vanessa; Di Nunzio, Giorgio Maria; Vezzani, Federica; Navarro, Maika Vicente; Yeganova, Lana; Yepes, Antonio Jimeno
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2023 Findings of the WMT 2023 Biomedical Translation Shared Task: Evaluation of ChatGPT 3.5 as a Comparison System
Neves, Mariana; Yepes, Antonio Jimeno; Névéol, Aurélie; Bawden, Rachel; Nunzio, Giorgio Maria Di; Roller, Roland; Thomas, Philippe; Vezzani, Federica; Navarro, Maika Vicente; Yeganova, Lana; Wiemann, Dina; Grozea, Cristian
Conference Paper
2023 6G RAN-Core Control Plane Convergence Essential Functionality Study
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Eichhorn, Fabian; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Organic 6G Networks: Ultra-Flexibility Through Extensive Stateless Functional Split
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 NEMI: A Standardized Approach to Intent Based Networking
Gowtham, Varun; Schreiner, Florian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Anomaly Detection using a Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Model on Open 5G Core Metrics during User-Equipment Registration
Gopikrishnan, Akash; Prakash, Arun; Hein, Christian; Mößner, Klauss; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Optimizing Network Utility Through Dynamic User Management at Near-Real-Time RIC: Load Balancing for Enhanced Performance
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zunker, Nicolas; Scheit, Wolfgang; Gowtham, Varun; Schreiner, Florian; Cronin, Mike; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Security and Privacy
Dutta, Ashutosh; Hammad, Eman; Enright, Michael; Behmann, Fawzi; Chorti, Arsenia; Cheema, Ahmad; Kadio, Kassi; Urbina-pineda, Julia; Khaled, Alam El-din; Limam, Ahmed; Chu Koo, Fred William; Pide, John Lester; Park, Jong; Boi-ukeme, Joseph; Pawar, Sanjay S.; Layton, Roslyn; Prakash Ramchandran; Okonkwo, Kingsley; Ong, Lyndon; Emmelmann, Marc; Issa, Omneya; Arul, Rajakumar; Malik, Sireen; Krishnan, Sivarama; Sugumar, Suresh; Lala, Tk; Chng, Baw; Rawal, Bharat; Sajid, Taha; Lai, Haobo; Carvalho, Glaucio; Borst, Matthew; Kloza, Brad
Conference Paper
2023 Performance Analysis of a 5G User Plane Function accelerated with eXpress Data Path in Docker Containers
Scheich, Christian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 A Framework for Roaming between 5G Non-Public-Networks (NPNs)
Chakraborty, Pousali; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Zope, Hemant; Barjau, Carlos; Awan, Muhammad Faheem; Ribes, Josep; Vicent, Aaron Montilla; Gomez-Barquero, David; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 eXpress Data Path Extensions for High-Capacity 5G User Plane Functions
Scheich, Christian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Free Software and Open-Source Hardware for Industrial Automation
Balakrishna, Balakrishna; Tyagov, Ivan; Franck, Sven
Conference Paper
2023 Automatic Conversion of MiniZinc Programs to QUBO
Wolf, Armin; Grozea, Cristian
2023 Digital Twin for 5G Networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2023 LADEA: A Near Real-Time Transmission Power Adaptation Algorithm for Increased Energy Efficiency in Dense Indoor Campus Networks
Gopikrishnan, Akash; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Gowtham, Varun; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Preliminary Evaluation of a Software-based 5GC Release 17 5MBS Prototype
Barjau, Carlos; Iñesta, Borja; Gómez Barquero, David; Chakraborty, Pousali; Zope, Hemant; Corici, Marius-Iulian
Conference Paper
2023 The 6G Architecture Landscape - European Perspective
Bahare, Massod Khorsand; Gavras, Anastasius; Gramaglia, Marco; Cosmas, John; Li, Xi; Bulakci, Ömer; Rahman, Arifur; Kostopoulos, Alexandros; Mesodiakaki, Agapi; Tsolkas, Dimitris; Ericson, Marten; Boldi, Mauro; Uusitalo, Mikko; Ghoraishi, Mir; Rugeland, Patrik
2023 Generative Twin for 6G and Beyond 5G Networks: Vision, Challenges and Architecture
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Buhr, Hauke; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Intent-based Networking for QoS-aware Cloud and Transport Network Management based on Graph Neural Networks
Gowtham, Varun; Schreiner, Florian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas; Zacarias, Iulisloi; Drummond, André; Jukan, Admela
Conference Paper
2023 Integrated satellite access to 5G/6G systems - an overview of the 5G space infrastructure study
Zaglauer, Helmut W.; Pfeifle, Joerg; Gavras, Anastasius; Kapovits, Adam; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Chowdhury, Ananya; Frank, Leo; Hofmann, Alexander; Heyn, Thomas; Dang, Thi Uyen Ly; Guta, Maria; Cheporniuk, Hlib; Völk, Florian; Schwarz, Robert; Knopp, Andreas
Conference Paper
2023 5G mobile network signal strength interpolation using machine learning GAN algorithm
Zaboub, Manar; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 Organic 6G Networks: Vision, Requirements, and Research Approaches
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Bless, Roland; Gundall, Michael; Lindenschmitt, Daniel; Bloessl, Bastian; Petrova, Marina; Wimmer, Lara; Kreuch, Ronny; Magedanz, Thomas; Schotten, Hans D.
Journal Article
2023 Systematic improvement of access-stratum security in mobile networks
Miller, Rhys; Boureanu, Ioana; Wesemeyer, Stephan; Sun, Zhili; Zope, Hemant
Conference Paper
2023 Evaluation of OSS-Enabled OpenRAN Compliant 5G StandAlone Campus Networks
Chepkoech, Maurine; Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Mwangama, Joyce; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2023 How organic networking meets 6G campus network management challenges
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Gowtham, Varun; Magedanz, Thomas; Modroiu, Elena-Ramona; Schreiner, Florian
Conference Paper
2023 A 6G RAN-Core control plane convergence framework
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Troudt, Eric; Schreiner, Florian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2022 An Organic 6G Core Network Architecture
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Configurable mapping of EtherCAT field-level devices to OPC UA
Barth, Alexander; Balakrishna, Balakrishna; Willner, Alexander
Conference Paper
2022 Extended coverage without roaming for beyond 5G non-public networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Riemer, Björn; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Organic 6G networks: Graceful handling of infrastructure flexibility
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Drivers for organic 6G networking
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Gowtham, Varun; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Organic 6G networks: Decomplexification of software-based core networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Troudt, Eric; Magedanz, Thomas; Schotten, Hans
Conference Paper
2022 Drivers for organic 6G networking
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Gowtham, Varun; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2022 Security and privacy
Dutta, Ashutosh; Hammad, Eman; Enright, Michael; Behmann, Fawzi; Chorti, Arsenia; Cheema, Ahmad; Kadio, Kassi; Urbina-Pineda, Julia; Alam, Khaled; Limam, Ahmed; Chu, Fred; Lester, John; Park, Jong-Geun; Bio-Ukeme, Joseph; Pawar, Sanjay S; Layton, Roslyn; Ramchandran, Prakash; Okonkwo, Kingsley; Ong, Lyndon; Emmelmann, Marc; Issa, Omneya; Arul, Rajakumar; Malik, Sireen; Krishnan, Sivarama; Sugumar, Suresh; Lala, Tk; Borst, Matthew; Kloza, Brad; Kurt, Gunes Karabulut
Conference Paper
2022 ELIoT: enhancing LiFi for next-generation Internet of things
Linnartz, Jean-Paul; Corrêa, Carina Ribeiro Barbio; Cunha, Thiago Elias B.; Tangdiongga, Eduward; Koonen, Ton; Deng, Xiong; Wendt, Mathias; Abbo, Anteneh; Stobbelaar, Pieter J.; Polak, Piotr; Müller, Martin; Behnke, Daniel; Vázquez, Marcos Martínez; Vicent, Silvestre; Metin, Taner; Emmelmann, Marc; Mohammadi Kouhini, Sepideh; Bober, Kai Lennert; Kottke, Christoph; Jungnickel, Volker
Journal Article
2022 LiFi with 5G for the Smart Factory
Müller, Marcel; Emmelmann, Marc; Behnke, Daniel; Schulz, Dominic; Bober, Kai Lennert; Kottke, Christoph; Jungnickel, Volker; Metin, Taner
Conference Paper
2022 Towards a space based infrastructure for 5G and beyond 5G networks
Gavras, Anastasius; Zaglauer, Helmut; Pfeifle, Jorg; Guta, Maria; Heyn, Thomas; Hofmann, Alexander; Frank, Leo; Völk, Florian; Schwarz, Robert; Kapovits, Adam; Chowdhury, Ananya; Corici, Marius-Iulian
Conference Paper
2022 IoTwins: Toward Implementation of Distributed Digital Twins in Industry 4.0 Settings
Costantini, Alessandro; Di Marco, Giuseppe; Ahouangonou, Jean Christian; Duma, Doina Cristina; Martelli, Barbara; Galletti, Matteo; Antonacci, Marica; Nehls, Daniel; Bellavista, Paolo; Delamarre, Cedric; Cesini, Daniele
Journal Article
2022 NEMI: A 6G-ready, AI-enabled autonomic network management system for open campus networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Gowtham, Varun; Magedanz, Thomas; Prakash, Arun; Schreiner, Florian
Conference Paper
2022 Application of Uncertainty-Aware Sensor Fusion in Physical Sensor Networks
Gruber, Maximilian; Pilar von Pilchau, Wenzel; Gowtham, Varun; Koutrakis, Nikolaos-Stefanos; Schönborn, Nicolas; Eichstädt, Sascha; Hähner, Jörg; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas; Polte, Julian; Uhlmann, Eckart
Conference Paper
2022 Dynamic network (re-)configuration across time, scope, and structure
Bless, Roland; Bloessl, Bastian; Hollick, Matthias; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Karl, Holger; Krummacker, Dennis; Lindenschmitt, Daniel; Schotten, Hans D.; Wimmer, Lara
Conference Paper
2022 Open 5G campus networks: key drivers for 6G innovations
Emmelmann, Marc; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Eichhorn, Fabian; Hauswirth, Manfred; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2021 Edge Computing standardisation and initiatives
Rennoch, Axel; Willner, Alexander
Conference Paper
2021 Bridge me if you can! Evaluating the latency of securing profinet
Hohmann, Stephan; Mueller, Tobias; Stübs, Marius
Conference Paper
2021 Determining Edge Node Real-Time Capabilities
Gowtham, Varun; Keil, Oliver; Yeole, Aniket; Schreiner, Florian; Tschöke, Simon; Willner, Alexander
Conference Paper
2021 Simulation framework for EtherCAT over TSN
Balakrishna, Balakrishna; Meinardus, Boris; Kontopoulos, Leonidas
Conference Paper
2021 An Ultra-Flexible Software Architecture Concept for 6G Core Networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Troudt, Eric; Chakraborty, Pousali; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2021 Experimentation and 5G KPI Measurements in the 5GENESIS Platforms
Xilouris, Georgios; Christopoulou, Maria; Koumaras, Harilaos; Kourtis, Michail-Alexandros; Emmelmann, Marc; Triantafyllopoulou, Dionysia; Rahulan, Yogaratnam; Muriel, Ivan Gonzalez; Zayas, Almudena Diaz; Atxutegi, Eneko; Gardikis, Georgios; Lioprasitis, Dimitrios; Tsolkas, Dimitris; Kostakis, Panagiotis; Aumayr, Erik; Bosneag, Anne-Marie Cristina; Alay, Ozgu; Frascolla, Valerio; Brunstrom, Anna
Conference Paper
2021 5G Non-Public-Networks (NPN) Roaming Architecture
Corici, Marius-Iulian; Chakrabourty, Pousaly; Magedanz, Thomas; Gomes, Andre S.; Cordeiro, Luis; Mahmood, Kashif
Conference Paper
2021 IoTwins: Design and Implementation of a Platform for the Management of Digital Twins in Industrial Scenarios
Borghesi, Andrea; Modica, Giuseppe di; Bellavista, Paolo; Gowtham, Varun; Willner, Alexander; Nehls, Daniel; Kintzler, Florian; Cejka, Stephan; Tisbeni, Simone Rossi; Costantini, Alessandro; Galletti, Matteo; Antonacci, Marica; Ahouangonou, Jean Christian
Conference Paper
2021 ELIoT: New features in LiFi for next-generation IoT
Linnartz, Jean-Paul; Corrêa, Carina Ribeiro Barbio; Cunha, Thiago Elias B.; Tangdiongga, Eduward; Koonen, Ton; Deng, Xiong; Wendt, Mathias; Abbo, Anteneh; Stobbelaar, Pieter J.; Müller, Marcel; Behnke, Daniel; Vázquez, Marcos; Colonques, Santiago Vicent; Bech, Martijn; Metin, Taner; Emmelmann, Marc; Kouhini, Sepideh Mohammadi; Bober, Kai Lennert; Kottke, Christoph; Jungnickel, Volker
Conference Paper
2021 Time-Sensitive Networking over Metropolitan Area Networks for Remote Industrial Control
Tschöke, Simon; Lynker, Frederic; Buhr, Hauke; Schreiner, Florian; Willner, Alexander; Vick, Axel; Chemnitz, Moritz
Conference Paper
2021 5G and beyond for new space: Vision and research challenges
Höyhtyä, Marko; Corici, Marius; Covaci, Stefan; Guta, Maria
Conference Paper
2021 Generative Machine Learning for Resource-Aware 5G and IoT Systems
Piatkowski, Nico; Mueller-Roemer, Johannes Sebastian; Hasse, Peter; Bachorek, Adam; Werner, Tim; Birnstill, Pascal; Morgenstern, Andreas; Stobbe, Lutz
Conference Paper
2021 Poster: Multipath Extensions for WireGuard
Krentz, Konrad-Felix; Corici, Marius
Conference Paper
2021 SDN-based security management of multiple WoT Smart Spaces
El Jaouhari, Saad; Bouabdallah, Ahmed; Corici, Andreea Ancuta
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2020 Framework for trustful handover of M2M devices between security domains
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Corici, Marius; Troudt, Eric; Riemer, Bjoern; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 Standardization of Edge configuration
Rentschler, Markus; Rohrmus, Dominik; Löwen, Ulrich; Gatterburg, Andreas; Vojanec, Bernd; Willner, Alexander
Conference Paper
2020 Improving media streaming services for train passengers with 5G
Ziegler, Christoph; Neudel, Ralf; Pham, Stefan; Troudt, Eric
Conference Paper
2020 A comparative study for Time Series Forecasting within software 5G networks
Chakrabourty, Pousaly; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 Integration of optical wireless communication with 5G systems
Metin, Taner; Emmelmann, Marc; Corici, Marius; Jungnickel, Volker; Kottke, Christoph; Müller, Marcel
Conference Paper
2020 Secure standards-based reference architecture for flexibility activation and democratisation
Keko, Hrvoje; Hasse, Peter; Gabandon, Eloi; Sucic, Stjepan; Isakovic, Karsten; Cipriano, Jordi
Journal Article
2020 Toward a Reference Architecture Model for Industrial Edge Computing
Willner, Alexander; Gowtham, Varun
Journal Article
2020 A flexible system concept for LiFi in the Internet of Things
Bober, K.L.; Jungnickel, V.; Emmelmann, M.; Riegel, M.; Tangdiongga, E.; Koonen, A.M.J.; Linnartz, J.-P.; Behnke, D.; Mueller, M.; Bök, P.-B.; Colonques, S.V.; Vazquez, M.M.
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2019 Experimental demonstration of 5G virtual EPC recovery in federated testbeds
Kondepu, K.; Giannone, F.; Vural, S.; Riemer, B.; Castoldi, P.; Valcarenghi, L.
Conference Paper
2019 Paving the way for local and industrial 5G networks and testbeds
Corici, Marius; Emmelmann, Marc; Hauswirth, Manfred; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2019 Satellite integration into 5G: Accent on first over-the-air tests of an edge node concept with integrated satellite backhaul
Völk, Florian; Liolis, Konstantinos; Corici, Marius; Cahill, Joe; Schwarz, Robert T.; Schlichter, Thomas; Troudt, Eric; Knopp, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Design of moving experimentation facility to showcase satellite integration into 5G
Politis, Christos; Liolis, Konstantinos; Corici, Marius; Troudt, Eric; Szabó, Zsolt; Cahill, Joe
Conference Paper
2019 Design and implementation of multi-cloud VNFs deployment utilizing lightweight LXC virtualization
Mukute, Tariro; Pauls, Michael; Mwangama, Joyce; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2019 Enhance lighting for the Internet of Things
Jungnickel, V.; Hinrichts, M.; Bober, K.L.; Kottke, C.; Corici, A.A.; Emmelmann, M.; Rufo, J.; Bök, P.-B.; Behnke, D.; Riegel, M.; Wu, X.; Singh, R.; O'Brian, D.C.; Collins, F.; Faulkner, F.; Vázquez, M.M.; Bech, M.C.; Geilhardt, F.; Braun, R.-P.; Deng, X.; Tangdiongga, E.; Koonen, A.M.J.
Conference Paper
2019 Over-the-air demonstration of satellite integration with 5G core network and multi-access edge computing use case
Liolis, Konstantinos; Cahill, Joe; Higgins, E.; Corici, Marius; Troudt, Eric; Sutton, Paul
Conference Paper
2019 Enabling dynamic IoT security domains
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Shashi, Yatindra; Corici, Marius; Shrestha, Ranjan; Guzman, David
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2018 Satellite communications integration with terrestrial networks
Kapovits, Adam; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Gavras, Anastasius; Burkhardt, Frank; Schlichter, Thomas; Covaci, Stefan
Journal Article
2018 Access control management and orchestration in NFV environment
Tran, Thanh Quang; Covaci, Stefan; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2018 Practical Performance Degradation Mitigation Solution Using Anomaly Detection for Carrier-Grade Software Networks
Corici, Marius; Buda, Teodora Sandra; Shrestha, Ranjan; Cau, Eleonora; Metin, Taner; Assem, Haytham
Conference Paper
2018 5GENESIS: The genesis of a flexible 5G facility
Koumaras, Harilaos; Tsolkas, Dimitris; Gardikis, Georgios; Gomez, Pedro Merino; Frascolla, Valerio; Triantafyllopoulou, Dionysia; Emmelmann, Marc; Koumaras, Vaios; Osma, Maria L. Garcia; Munaretto, Daniel; Atxutegi, Eneko; Puga, Jara Suárez de; Alay, Ozgu; Brunstrom, Anna; Bosneag, Anne Marie Cristina
Conference Paper
2018 Design of an autonomous management and orchestration for Fog Computing
Dlamini, Sabelo; Mwangama, Joyce; Ventura, N.; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2018 Performance measurements of Network Service Deployment on a Federated and Orchestrated Virtualisation Platform for 5G experimentation
Vural, Serdar; Minerva, Roberto; Carella, Guiseppe A.; Medhat, Ahmed M.; Tomasini, Lorenzo; Pizzimenti, Simone; Riemer, Bjoern; Stravato, Umberto
Conference Paper
2018 Application of the Fog computing paradigm to Smart Factories and cyber-physical systems
Brito, Mathias Santos de; Hoque, Saiful; Steinke, Ronald; Willner, Alexander; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2018 Experimentation as a Service Over Semantically Interoperable Internet of Things Testbeds
Lanza, Jorge; Sánchez, Luis; Santana, Juan Ramón; Agarwal, Rachit; Kefalakis, Nikolaos; Grace, Paul; Elsaleh, Tarek; Zhao, Mengxuan; Tragos, Elias; Nguyen, Hung; Cirillo, Flavio; Steinke, Ronald; Soldatos, John
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2017 ElasTest - an open source project for testing distributed applications with failure injection
Gortázar, Francisco; Gallego, Micael; Garcia, Boni; Carella, Guiseppe Antonio; Pauls, Michael; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel
Conference Paper
2017 OpenIoTFog. Eine anbieterunabhängige Verwaltungsschale für Industrie-4.0-Komponenten
Willner, Alexander
Conference Paper
2017 Service function chaining in Next Generation Networks: State of the Art and research challenges
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Taleb, Tarik; Elmangoush, Asma; Carella, Giuseppe; Covaci, Stefan; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2017 SDN enhancements for the sliced, deep programmable 5G core
Eichhorn, Fabian; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas; Du, Ping; Kiriha, Yoshiaki; Nakao, Akihiro
Conference Paper
2017 A service orchestration architecture for Fog-enabled infrastructures
Brito, Mathias Santos de; Hoque, Saiful; Magedanz, Thomas; Steinke, Ronald; Willner, Alexander; Nehls, Daniel; Keil, Oliver; Schreiner, Florian
Conference Paper
2017 Performance evaluation of virtual evolved packet core networks with integrated satellite backhaul
Corici, Marius Iulian; Burkhardt, Frank; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie; Schlichter, Thomas; Covaci, Stefan; Kapovits, Adam
Conference Paper
2017 Towards container orchestration in fog computing infrastructures
Hoque, Saiful; Brito, Mathias Santos de; Magedanz, Thomas; Willner, Alexander; Keil, Oliver
Conference Paper
2017 Internet of things out of the box: Using TOSCA for automating the deployment of IoT environments
Da Silva, Ana C. Franco; Breitenbücher, Uwe; Hirmer, Pascal; Képes, Kálmán; Kopp, Oliver; Leymann, Frank; Mitschang, Bernhard; Steinke, Ronald
Conference Paper
2017 PERMIT: Network slicing for personalized 5G mobile telecommunications
Taleb, Tarik; Mada, Badr; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Nakao, Akihiro; Flinck, Hannu
Journal Article
2017 Orchestrating scalable service function chains in a NFV environment
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Carella, Guiseppe; Pauls, Michael; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2017 Data plane programmability solution for Telecom protocols
Krishna, Mohan; Reichel, Benjamin; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2017 M2M device connectivity framework
Abdurohman, Maman; Putrada, Aji Gautama; Prabowo, Sidik; Wijiutomo, Catur W.; Elmangoush, Asma
Journal Article
2017 Extensible framework for elastic orchestration of service function chains in 5G networks
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Carella, Guiseppe Antonio; Pauls, Michael; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2017 Cross-domain identity and discovery framework for web calling services
Javed, Ibrahim Tariq; Copeland, Rebecca; Crespi, Noel; Emmelmann, Marc; Corici, Ancuta; Bouabdallah, Ahmed; Zhang, Tuo; El Jaouhari, Saad; Beierle, Felix; Göndor, Sebastian; Küpper, Axel; Corre, Kevin; Crom, Jean-Michel; Oberle, Frank; Friese, Ingo; Caldeira, Ana; Dias, Gil; Santos, Nuno; Chaves, Ricardo; Pereira, Ricardo Lopes
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2016 A benchmarking methodology for virtualized packet core implementations
Corici, Marius; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie; Cau, Eleonora; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Application-derived communication protocol selection in M2M platforms for smart cities
Elmangoush, Asma
Doctoral Thesis
2016 Towards programmable fog nodes in smart factories
Brito, Mathias Santos de; Steinke, Ronald; Willner, Alexander; Hoque, Saiful
Conference Paper
2016 Toward a fully cloudified mobile network infrastructure
Sousa, Bruno; Cordeiro, Luis; Simões, Paulo; Edmonds, Andy; Ruiz, Santiago; Carella, Giuseppe; Corici, Marius; Nikaen, Navid; Gomes, Andre S.; Schiller, Eryk; Braun, Torsten; Bohnert, Thomas M.
Journal Article
2016 A proof-of-concept for semantically interoperable federation of IoT experimentation facilities
Lanza, Jorge; Sanchez, Luis; Gomez, David; Elsaleh, Tarek; Steinke, Ronald; Cirillo, Flavio
Journal Article
2016 Semantic-based management of federated infrastructures for future internet experimentation
Willner, Alexander
Doctoral Thesis
2016 NUBOMEDIA: An elastic PaaS enabling the convergence of real-time and big data multimedia
Garcia, Boni; Gallego, Micael; López, Luis; Carella, Guiseppe Antonio; Cheambe, Alice
Conference Paper
2016 Orchestrating service function chaining in cloud environments
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Tran, Thanh Quang; Covaci, Stefan; Carella, Guiseppe; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Embedding security and privacy into the development and operation of cloud applications and services
Tran, Thanh Quang; Covaci, Stefan; Magedanz, Thomas; Gouvas, Panagiotis; Zafeiropoulos, Anastasios
Conference Paper
2016 Performance evaluation of an M2M platform in different deployment setups
Berrhouma, Chayma; Elmangoush, Asma; Al-Hazmi, Adel; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Prototyping smart city applications over large scale M2M testbed
Mukudu, Nyasha; Ventura, Neco; Mwangama, Joyce; Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Efficient exploitation of mobile edge computing for virtualized 5G in EPC architectures
Cau, Eleonora; Corici, Marius; Bellavista, Paolo; Foschini, Luca; Carella, Giuseppe; Edmonds, Andy; Bohnert, Thomas Michael
Conference Paper
2016 Resilient orchestration of Service Functions Chains in a NFV environment
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Carella, Guiseppe; Pauls, Michael; Monachesi, Marcello; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 An extensible Autoscaling Engine (AE) for Software-based Network Functions
Carella, Guiseppe Antonio; Pauls, Michael; Grebe, Lars; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 CogNet: A network management architecture featuring cognitive capabilities
Xu, Lei; Assem, Haytham; Yahia, Imen Griden Ben; Buda, Teodora Sandra; Martin, Angel; Gallico, Domenico; Biancani, Matteo; Pastor, Antonio; Aranda, Pedro A.; Smirnov, Mikhail; Raz, Danny; Uryupina, Olga; Mozo, Alberto; Ordozgoiti, Bruno; O'Sullivan, Pat; Mullins, Robert
Conference Paper
2016 IoT inter-security domain trust transfer and service dispatch solution
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Emmelmann, Marc; Luo, Jingjing; Shresta, Ranjan; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2016 Standard-based IoT platforms interworking: Implementation, experiences, and lessons learned
Kim, Jaeho; Yun, Jaseok; Choi, Sung-Chan; Seed, Dale N.; Lu, Guang; Bauer, Martin; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Campowsky, Konrad; Song, JaSeung
Journal Article
2016 Spectrum sensing infrastructure support for IEEE 1900.6b sensing-assisted spectrum databases
Bochow, Bernd; Holland, Oliver; Katzis, Konstantinos
Conference Paper
2016 Netzinfrastrukturen für die Gigabitgesellschaft
2016 Towards programmable and scalable IoT infrastructures for smart cities
Corici, Ancuta; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas; Coeetze, Louis; Oosthuizen, Dawid; Mkhiza, Buhle; Catalan, Marisa; Fontenelles, Jacint Castells; Paradells, Josep; Shresta, Ranjan; Nehls, Daniel; Riemer, Bjoern
Conference Paper
2016 An SDN-based solution for increasing flexibility and reliability of dedicated network environments
Corici, Marius; Reichel, Benjamin; Bochow, Bernd; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2015 Mobility management for machine-to-machine (M2M) communications
Elmangoush, Asma; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Magedanz, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2015 A platform for converged, feature-based real-time communications
Yamada, Junnosuke; Blum, Niklas; Carella, Guiseppe; Kanamaru, Naoyoshi; Uchida, Naoki; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 EASE: EPC as a service to ease mobile core network deployment over cloud
Taleb, Tarik; Corici, Marius; Parada, Carlos; Jamakovic, Almerima; Ruffino, Simone; Karagiannis, Georgios; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2015 IEEE 1900.6b: Sensing support for spectrum databases
Holland, Oliver; Bochow, Bernd; Katzis, Konstantinos
Conference Paper
2015 MOFI: Monitoring ontology for federated infrastructures
Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 A solution for provisioning reliable M2M infrastructures using SDN and device management
Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Shresta, Ranjan; Carella, Guiseppe; Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Application-derived communication protocol selection in M2M platforms for smart cities
Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Bourreau, Alex; Al-Hezmi, Adel
Conference Paper
2015 Mobile cloud networking: From cloud, through NFV and beyond
Carella, Guiseppe; Edmonds, Andy; Dudouet, Florian; Corici, Marius; Sousa, Bruno; Yousaf, Zarrar
Conference Paper
2015 Towards mobile federated network operators
Mwangama, Joyce; Ventura, Neco; Willner, Alexander; Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Carella, Giuseppe; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Design and implementation of a device management solution for standard compliant M2M platforms
Shrestha, Ranjan
Master Thesis
2015 Towards semantic monitoring data collection and representation in federated infrastructures
Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Magedanz,Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Resource efficient quality of service management for NGN services in federated cloud environments
Schreiner, Florian
Doctoral Thesis
2015 FITeagle: A semantic testbed management framework
Willner, Alexander; Nehls, Daniel; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Quality audit and resource brokering for network functions virtualization (NFV) orchestration in hybrid clouds
Carella, Guiseppe; Foschini, Luca; Pernafini, Alessandro; Bellavista, Paolo; Corradi, Antonio; Corici, Marius; Schreiner, Florian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Near optimal service function path instantiation in a multi-datacenter environment
Medhat, Ahmed M.; Carella, Guiseppe; Lück, Christian; Corici, Marius-Iulian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 A framework for handling heterogeneous M2M traffic
Elmangoush, Asma; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Steinke, Ronald; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2015 FIDDLE: Federated infrastructure discovery and description language
Willner, Alexander; Loughnane, Robyn; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 AdM2M: Adaptable machine-to-machine transport framework
Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 TRESCIMO: European union and South African Smart City contextual dimensions
Coetzee, Louis; Smith, Andrew; Escobar Rubalcava, Alejandra; Corici, Andreea Ancuta; Magedanz, Thomas; Steinke, Ronald; Catalan, Marisa; Paradells, Josep; Madhoo, Hinesh; Willemse, Tiaan; Mwangama, Joyce; Mukudu, Nyasha; Ventura, Neco; Barros, Maria; Gavras, Anastasius
Conference Paper
2015 Software defined bearer intercloud networks
Vij, Deepak; Bernstein, David; Morsey, Mohamed; Grosso, Paola; Willner, Alexander; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2015 Prototyping new concepts beyond 4G - The Fraunhofer Open5GCore
Magedanz, Thomas; Carella, Giuseppe; Corici, Marius; Mueller, Julius; Weber, Andreas
Journal Article
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2014 Flexible cross layer optimization for fixed and mobile broadband telecommunication networks and beyond
Müller, Julius
Doctoral Thesis
2014 On the usage of standardised M2M platforms for smart energy management
Elmangoush, Asma; Steinke, Ronald; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Self-adaptable IP control in carrier grade mobile operator networks
Corici, Marius-Iulian
Doctoral Thesis
2014 Unified representation of monitoring information across federated cloud infrastructures
Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Gonzalez, Jose; Rodríguez-Archilla, Pablo; Alvarez, Federico; Orphanoudakis, T.; Karkazis, P.; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 QoS-aware multi-cloud brokering for NGN services. Tangible benefits of elastic resource allocation mechanisms
Magedanz, Thomas; Schreiner, Florian
Conference Paper
2014 A real-time middleware platform for the smart grid
Predojev, Tatjana; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Alonso-Zarate, Jesus; Dohler, Mischa
Conference Paper
2014 On the use of unsupervised techniques for fraud detection in VoIP networks
Rebahi, Yacine; Tran, Thanh Quang; Busse, Roman; Lorenz, P.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2014 Prototyping machine-to-machine applications for emerging smart cities in developing countries
Mwangama, Joyce; Elmangoush, Asma; Orimolade, Joseph; Ventura, Neco; Steinke, Ronald; Willner, Alexander; Corici, Andreea; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Mobile cloud networking: Virtualisation of cellular networks
Karagiannis, Georgios; Jamakovic, Almerima; Edmonds, Andy; Parada, Carlos; Metsch, Thijs; Pichon, Dominique; Corici, Marius; Ruffino, Simone; Gomes, Andre; Crosta, Paolo Secondo; Bohnert, Thomas Michael
Conference Paper
2014 Monitoring as a service for cloud environments
Mueller, Julius; Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Magedanz, Thomas; Palma, David; Landi, Giada; Soares, João; Parreira, Bruno; Metsch, Thijs; Gray, Peter; Georgiev, Alexander; Simões, Paulo
Conference Paper
2014 The development of M2M standards for ubiquitous sensing service layer
Elmangoush, Asma; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 Interconnecting standard M2M platforms to delay tolerant networks
Elmangoush, Asma; Corici, Andreea; Catalan, Marisa; Steinke, Ronald; Magedanz, Thomas; Oller, Joaquim
Conference Paper
2014 FIRMA: A future internet resource management architecture
Willner, Alexander; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2014 An automated health monitoring solution for future Internet infrastructure marketplaces
Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Willner, Alexander; Özpehlivan, Ozan O.; Nehls, Daniel; Covaci, Stefan; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2013 Standardized M2M platform software for smart cities and the IoT
Wahle, Sebastian
Journal Article
2013 Towards standard M2M APIs for cloud-based telco service platforms
Elmangoush, Asma; Al-Hezmi, Adel; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Telecom applications, APIs and service platforms
Blum, Niklas; Müller, Julius; Schreiner, Florian; Magedanz, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Elastic network design and adaptive flow placement in software defined networks
Mueller, Julius; Wierz, Andreas; Vingarzan, Dragos; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Architecture for the heterogeneous federation of future internet experimentation facilities
Vandenberghe, Wim; Vermeulen, Brecht; Demeester, Piet; Willner, Alexander; Papavassiliou, Symeon; Gavras, Anastasius; Sioutis, Michael; Quereilhac, Alina; Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Lobillo, Felicia; Schreiner, Florian; Velayos, Celia; Vico-Oton, Albert; Androulidakis, Georgios; Papagianni, Chrysa; Ntofon, Okung; Boniface, Michael
Conference Paper
2013 Cognitive spectrum portfolio optimisation, approaches and exploitation
Karla, Ingo; Bito, Janos; Bochow, Bernd; Celentano, Ulrico; Csurgai-Horvath, Laszlo; Groensund, Pael; Lopez-Benitez, Miguel; Samano-Robles, Ramiro
Conference Paper
2013 Neue Standards bringen Wind in den M2M-Markt
Wahle, Sebastian
Journal Article
2013 Unleashing the potential of virtualization by the right toolkits and open testbeds
Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas; Vingarzan, Dragos
Conference Paper
2013 Toward a full implementation of SCIM functional block in IMS framework
Hung, Nguyen Tai; Thanh, Nguyen Huu; Magedanz, Thomas; Mueller, Julius
Conference Paper
2013 Enhanced gateway selection for optimal routing in a distributed Evolved Packet Core (EPC) network
Katanekwa, Nicholas; Ventura, Neco; Vingarzan, Dragos; Corici, Marius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Design aspects for a reference M2M communication platform for smart cities
Elmangoush, Asma; Coskun, Hakan; Wahle, Sebastian; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 IPv6 Migrationsleitfaden für die öffentliche Verwaltung
Schmoll, Carsten; Günther, Thomas; Schaa, Tahar; Tiemann, Jens; Bürger, Constanze
2013 QoE-aware resource provisioning and adaptation in IMS-based IPTV using OpenFlow
Truong, Thu-Huong; Thanh, Nguyen Huu; Hung, Nguyen Tai; Mueller, Julius; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 Scalable on-demand network management module for software defined telecommunication networks
Mueller, Julius; Wierz, Andreas; Magedanz, Thomas
Conference Paper
2013 BonFIRE: The clouds and services testbed
Kavoussanakis, Konstantinos; Hume, Alastair; Martrat, Josep; Ragusa, Carmelo; Gienger, Michael; Campowsky, Konrad; Seghbroeck, Gregory; Vázquez, Constantino; Velayos, Celia; Gittler, Frédéric; Inglesant, Philip; Carella, Giuseppe; Engen, Vegard; Giertych, Michal; Landi, Giada; Margery, David
Conference Paper
2013 Applying the software-to-data paradigm in next generation e-health hybrid clouds
Thuemmler, Christoph; Mueller, Julius; Covaci, Stefan; Magedanz, Thomas; Panfilis, Stefano de; Jell, Thomas; Schneider, Armin; Gavras, Anastasius
Conference Paper
2013 An approach to expose M2M services over OMA next generation service interface
Elmangoush, Asma; Coskun, Hakan; Magedanz, Thomas; Blum, Niklas
Conference Paper
2013 Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems, and applications. Preface
Borcea, C.; Schreiner, F.
Conference Paper
2013 IEEE dynamic spectrum access networks standards committee
Harada, H.; Alemseged, Y.; Filin, S.; Riegel, M.; Gundlach, M.; Holland, O.; Bochow, B.; Ariyoshi, M.; Grande, L.
Journal Article
2013 Mobile wireless middleware, operating systems, and applications. 5th international conference, Mobilware 2012
Conference Proceeding
2013 Evolution of telecommunication services
2013 Network and control platforms
Corici, Marius; Müller, Julius; Vingarzan, Dragos; Magedanz, Thomas
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Elasticity as a service for federated cloud testbeds
Carella, Giuseppe; Magedanz, Thomas; Campowsky, Konrad; Schreiner, Florian
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2012 The OpenMTC framework - M2M solutions for smart cities and the internet of things
Wahle, S.; Magedanz, T.; Schulze, F.
Conference Paper
2012 Resource description in large scale heterogeneous resource federations
Wahle, S.; Tranoris, C.; Fox, S.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2012 Evaluating a future internet cross-layer composition prototype
Mueller, J.; Siddiqui, A.; Becke, M.; Kleis, M.; Campowsky, K.
Conference Paper
2012 Key enablers for user-centric advertising across Next Generation Networks
Oliveira Simoes, José Miguel de
Doctoral Thesis
2012 Design of RESTful APIs for M2M services
Elmangoush, A.; Magedanz, T.; Blotny, A.; Blum, N.
Conference Paper
2012 Performance evaluation of selection schemes for offloading traffic to IEEE 802.11 hotspots
Wiethölter, Sven; Emmelmann, Marc; Andersson, Robert; Wolisz, Adam
Conference Paper
2012 Connectivity support harmonization in future internet architecture
Corici, M.; Vingarzan, D.; Magedanz, T.; Weik, Peter; Bayer, Nico; Einsiedler, Hans
Conference Paper
2012 QoS-aware elastic cloud brokering for IMS infrastructures
Bellavista, P.; Carella, G.; Foschini, L.; Magedanz, T.; Schreiner, F.; Campowsky, K.
Conference Paper
2012 Adaptive network-aided session support in context-aware converged mobile networks
Antoniou, J.; Christophorou, C.; Simoes, J.; Pitsillides, A.
Journal Article
2012 Network-aware cloud brokerage for telecommunication services
Carella, G.; Magedanz, T.; Campowsky, K.; Schreiner, F.
Conference Paper
2012 Towards a generic application aware network resource control function for next-generation-networks and beyond
Mueller, J.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2012 Dynamic virtual overlay networks for large scale resource federation frameworks
Wahle, S.; Steinbach, A.; Magedanz, T.; Campowsky, K.
Conference Paper
2012 BonFIRE: A multi-cloud test facility for internet of services experimentation
Hume, Alastair C.; Al-Hazmi, Yahya; Belter, Bartosz; Campowsky, Konrad; Carril, Luis M.; Carrozzo, Gino; Engen, Vegard; García-Pérez, David; Jofre Ponsatí, Jordi; Kübert, Roland; Liang, Yongzheng; Rohr, Cyril; Seghbroeck, Gregory
Conference Paper
2012 A monitoring system for federated clouds
Al-Hazmi, Y.; Campowsky, K.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2012 Secure and efficient validation of data traffic flows in fixed and mobile networks
Mueller, J.; Al-Hazmi, Y.; Sadikin, M.F.; Vingarzan, D.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2011 Enabling information push for network- and device-agnostic internet services
Blum, N.; Yamada, J.; Fukayama, A.; Magedanz, T.; Uchida, N.
Conference Paper
2011 Application-driven Quality of Service for M2M communications
Blum, N.; Fiedler, J.; Lange, L.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2011 A subscription application framework for location-based-services
Al-Hezmi, A.; Lange, L.; Magedanz, T.; Schulze, F.
Conference Paper
2011 Efficient session-based multimedia content delivery in Next Generation Networks
Al-Hezmi, Adel
Doctoral Thesis
2011 Interoperability in heterogeneous resource federations
Wahle, S.; Magedanz, T.; Campowsky, K.
Conference Paper
2011 Emergency services in IMS
Onofrei, A.A.; Rebahi, Y.; Magedanz, T.; Aguilar, F.L.; López López, J.M.
Conference Paper
2011 Emerging testing trends and the Panlab enabling infrastructure
Wahle, S.; Tranoris, C.; Denazis, S.; Gavras, A.; Koutsopoulos, K.; Magedanz, T.; Tompros, S.
Journal Article
2011 Contextualized user-centric multimedia delivery system for next generation networks
Simoes, J.; Magedanz, T.
Journal Article
2011 Network resources pre-reservation for multimedia content delivery in heterogeneous wireless networks
Al-Hezmi, A.; Corici, M.; Fiedler, J.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2011 Heterogenous resource description and management in generic resource federation frameworks
Wahle, S.; Magedanz, T.; Fox, S.; Power, E.
Conference Paper
2011 OpenEPC: A technical infrastructure for early prototyping of NGMN testbeds
Corici, M.; Gouveia, F.; Magedanz, T.; Vingarzan, D.
Conference Paper
2011 Proactive vertical handover optimizations in the 3GPP evolved packet core
Corici, M.; Magedanz, T.; Vingarzan, D.; Cornel, P.; Qing, Z.
Conference Paper
2011 A smart information sharing architecture in a multi-access network, multi-service environment
Blum, N.; Yamada, J.; Fukayama, A.; Magedanz, T.; Uchida, N.
Conference Paper
2011 The future of services in next generation networks
Simoes, J.; Wahle, S.
Journal Article
2011 Evolution von Dienstkontrollmechanismen in Netzen der nächsten Generation und im Internet der Zukunft
Magedanz, T.; Müller, J.
Conference Paper
2011 VITAL++, a new communication paradigm: Embedding P2P technology in next generation networks
Christakidis, A.; Efthymiopoulos, N.; Fiedler, J.; Dempsey, S.; Koutsopoulos, K.; Denazis, S.; Tombros, S.; Garvey, S.; Koufopavlou, O.
Journal Article
2011 A generic framework for heterogeneous resource federation
Wahle, Sebastian
Doctoral Thesis
Diese Liste ist ein Auszug aus der Publikationsplattform Fraunhofer-Publica

This list has been generated from the publication platform Fraunhofer-Publica

Publication Type
2010 3GPP evolved packet core- the mass wireless broadband all-IP architecture
Corici, M.; Magedanz, T.; Vingarzan, D.
Conference Paper
2010 Enabling context-sensitive communication experiences
Blum, N.; Lampe, S.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Conceptual design and use cases for a FIRE resource federation framework
Wahle, S.; Magedanz, T.; Gavras, A.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 Context-aware self-optimization in multiparty converged mobile environments
Antoniou, J.; Christophorou, C.; Neto, A.; Sargento, S.; Pinto, F.; Carapeto, N.; Mota, T.; Simoes, J.; Pitsillides, A.
Conference Paper
2010 An open service environment for service exposure and orchestration of heterogeneous NGN services
Blum, N.; Margaria, T.
Journal Article
2010 Evolution of QoS control in next generation mobile networks
Diez Albaladejo, A.; Gouveia, F.; Corici, M.; Magedanz, T.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 SIP proxies: New reflectors in the internet
Zhang, G.; Pallares, J.J.; Rebahi, Y.; Fischer-Hübner, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Advances in wireless test beds and research infrastructures
Ponce de Leon, M.; Mao, S.; Steuer, F.; Schumacher, J.; Magedanz, T.; Beyah, R.; Midkiff, S.
Journal Article
2010 Can you predict human behavior?
Simoes, J.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Next generation service delivery platforms and service overlay networks
Kellerer, W.; Magedanz, T.
Journal Article
2010 Peer assist live streaming overlay for next-generation-networks
Müller, J.; Magedanz, T.; Fiedler, J.
Journal Article
2010 Resource management in large scale experimental facilities - technical approach to Federate Panlab and PlanetLab
Campowsky, K.; Magedanz, T.; Wahle, S.
Conference Paper
2010 Prototyping mobile broadband applications with the open Evolved Packet Core
Corici, M.; Magedanz, T.; Vingarzan, D.; Weik, P.
Conference Paper
2010 Enabling ambient aware service delivery in heterogeneous wireless environments
Corici, M.; Magedanz, T.; Vingarzan, D.; Weik, P.
Conference Paper
2010 Enabling next generation multimedia social services
Simoes, J.; Lampe, S.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Formalization of a converged internet and telecommunications service environment
Blum, N.
Doctoral Thesis
2010 Assessing workflow languages for composition of real-time communication services
Lange, L.; Magedanz, T.; Blum, N.; Margaria, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Survey of network security systems to counter SIP-based denial-of-service attacks
Ehlert, S.; Geneiatakis, D.; Magedanz, T.
Journal Article
2010 The human side of the future internet
Simoes, J.; Weik, P.; Magedanz, T.
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2010 A diameter-based testing system in next generation mobile network
Thanh, T.Q.; Vingarzan, D.; Rebahi, Y.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Pan-European testbed and experimental facility federation - architecture refinement and implementation
Wahle, S.; Harjoc, B.; Campowsky, K.; Magedanz, T.; Gavras, A.
Journal Article
2010 The human side of future communication systems
Simoes, J.
Conference Paper
2010 Special Issue About "Recent Advances on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications"
Bonnin, J.-M.; Magedanz, T.
Journal Article
2010 Preventing distributed denial-of-service attacks on the IMS emergency services support through adaptive firewall pinholing
Onofrei, Andreea Ancuta; Rebahi, Yacine; Magedanz, Thomas
Journal Article
2010 Design and implementation of a converged open messaging architecture for next generation networks
Lampe, S.
Master Thesis
2010 A platform providing bidirectional service integration for the dynamic long-tail service market
Blotny, A.; Blum, N.; Lange, L.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Service-oriented access to next generation networks - from service creation to execution
Blum, N.; Boldea, I.; Magedanz, T.; Margaria, T.
Journal Article
2010 Service oriented testbed infrastructures: A cross-layer approach for NGNs
Blum, N.; Magedanz, T.; Schreiner, F.; Wahle, S.
Journal Article
2010 Generic resource federation - mechanisms and prototypes serving the FIRE and FI PPP visions
Wahle, S.; Magedanz, T.
2010 Access network discovery and selection in the future broadband wireless environment
Corici, Marius; Fiedler, Jens; Magedanz, Thomas; Vingarzan, Dragos
Conference Paper
2010 Prototyping convergence services on broadband networks
Motanga, A.; Bachmann, A.; Magedanz, T.
Conference Paper
2010 Special issue on Recent Advances in Testbed Driven Networking Research
Journal Issue
2010 Ubiquitous participation platform for POLicy makings (UbiPOL): A research note
Irani, I.Z.; Lee, H.; Weerakkody, V.; Sagirogllu, C.; Saygin, Y.; Nergiz, E.; Hintoglu, A.; Rebahi, Y.; Onofrei, A.A.; Campos, L.; Topham, S.; Simpson, G.; Balci, A.; Medeni, T.D.; Pop, E.; Corvinus, A.K.; Kuecuekpehlivan, A.
Journal Article
2010 Smart advertising in the home of the future
Simoes, J.; Magedanz, T.
Journal Article
2010 Federation interoperability - dealing with heterogeneity
Wahle, S.
2010 A platform for user generated multimedia communication services
Blum, N.; Magedanz, T.; Stein, H.; Wolf, I.
Journal Article
2010 Bridging IMS and internet identity
Friese, I.; Hogberg, J.; Foll, F.A.; Gourmelen, G.; Lischka, M.; Brennan, J.; Weik, P.; Lampe, S.
Conference Paper
2010 International journal of communication networks and distributed systems. Editorial
Magedanz, T.; Mao, S.; Midkiff, S.F.
2010 Access network reselection based on momentary resources in a converged wireless environment
Corici, M.; Vingarzan, D.; Magedanz, T.; Pampu, C.; Zhou, Q.
Conference Paper
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