After university

Career opportunities after graduation

Fraunhofer FOKUS offers academics excellent career prospects and the opportunity to further develop their skills. Especially the wide range of research topics and our large network with research, industry, politics and administration offer an attractive chance to actively take part in the shaping of the digital transformation. While working with us, you'll have the opportunity to conduct research that is closely interlocked with industrial practice. You can participate in national and international research projects and simultaneously qualify for a responsible function in the industry.

Since the institute puts a lot of emphasis on professional and personal training, the employees of Fraunhofer FOKUS can obtain diverse qualifications. The establishment of spin-offs and the marketing of business ideas are actively supported by the institute.

Take advantage of our close partnerships with many Berlin universities to do your doctorate.

Working at Fraunhofer FOKUS

“As part of my research at Fraunhofer FOKUS, I design system architectures and software for targeted communication channels in dangerous situations.“

Janine Hellriegel, Director of the business unit Collaborative Safety and Security

“Future business models are no longer conceivable without the evaluation of data. I concentrate on the entire life cycle, from the production to the playout of audio-visual media.“

Dr. Christopher Krauß, Media & Science Lead at the business unit Future Applications and Media

“At FOKUS, I particularly appreciate the opportunity to do both programming and conceptual work. I really enjoy the combination of these two aspects.“

Katharina Barlage, Student at the business unit Quality Engineering

“In demanding projects, I have the chance to grapple with the latest developments around my research focus on security certification.“

Nadja Menz, Group leader at the business unit Digital Public Services

“At FOKUS I have the opportunity to work in different projects while simultaneously writing my doctorate – all about my topic of 360° video streaming“

Louay Bassbouss, Senior Project Manager at the business unit Future Applications and Media

“At FOKUS, I appreciate the freedom and trust to work on and test innovative and fascinating methods in projects with business, administration and society.“

Stefanie Hecht, Project Manager at the business unit Digital Public Services