Fields of Application

We develop customized, resilient, and secure data and communication technologies throughout the entire development process of distributed systems. You will find our solutions everywhere because “we connect everything!”

We understand digital transformation comprehensively from a technical, economic, and social perspective – from the purely technical dimension to socio-technical systems. The resulting requirements, dependencies, influences, and interactions of digital networking drive our technoloy development and research services. This is how we ensure that our solutions offer customers from business, administration and society economic-added value tailored to their specific requirements.

Telecommunications and Information

Reliable and secure communication networks are essential for successfully exchanging information and ensuring our society's digital sovereignty. Fraunhofer FOKUS develops trend-setting communication solutions and future-proof communication infrastructures for companies and public institutions.

Kreis in Hellblau mit einem weißen Icon: Weltkugel mit 3 Menschen, die von 3 Satelliten umkreist wird
  • Development, testing, and operation of software-based communication platforms for public mobile networks, private 5G campus networks, and 5G/6G network technologies for highly specialized multi-vendor networks. Learn more
  • Integrated solutions for the secure exchange of information and data in safety-critical areas. Learn more 
  • Methods and tools for the digitalization of communication infrastructures with data-driven solutions and intelligent voice assistants. Learn more 
  • Quality assurance in highly complex communication systems and quantum key distribution (QKD) for hack-proof networks. Learn more

Media and Culture

The media and culture industry is undergoing a rapid transformation due to digital technologies, which constantly enable new forms of content creation and transmission, presentation and reception, as well as new business models and revenue streams. Fraunhofer FOKUS develops platforms and technologies that support media companies in meeting these challenges.

Kreis in Dunkelblau mit einem weißen Icon: 3 Computerbildschirme, die über einen Gaming Controler verbunden sind
  • Technologies and solutions for sustainable video streaming, intelligent, personalized content creation and media management, quality assurance, and deepfake detection. Learn more 
  • Temporary, portable 5G networks for high-quality media transmission with minimal latency at large events. Learn more 
  • Open data platforms for providing open data for information, analysis, and innovative use, such as in the Smart City. Learn more

Critical Infrastructure Protection and Digital Security

Modern societies face threats to human life from industrial accidents, terrorist attacks and climate-related natural disasters. At the same time, technical disruptions, crime, and terror in the digital sphere also threaten the security of our society and its infrastructure. Fraunhofer FOKUS develops integrated solutions to improve security authorities' networking, increase efficiency in disaster management, close security gaps, and secure systems against cyber threats.

Kreis in Orange mit einem weißen Icon: Schutzschild mit einem WLAN Symbol und einer Flamme
  • IT security and warning systems for authorities and emergency services (BOS), critical infrastructure facilities (KRITIS), and security architectures for data protection in interconnected systems. Learn more 
  • Collection, documentation, and analysis of information about the supply networks of crisis-relevant goods and resources and protection of AI and software systems against cyber attacks. Learn more 
  • Development of mission-critical (adhoc) communication networks for security organizations for fast and reliable communication in emergencies, as well as robust networks through the integration of satellite technology in the event of damaged underwater cables (network resilience). Learn more
  • Solutions for detecting deepfakes or otherwise manipulated content in digital media. Learn more
  • Development and introduction of IT security standards, data protection concepts, and test support for CC certification procedures in cooperation with the BSI. Learn more

Industry and Production

Digital transformation in industry is crucial for the competitiveness of companies and their value creation. Fraunhofer FOKUS contributes to making this transformation successful and to making new technologies usable in industry with its solutions.

Kreis in Dunkelblau mit einem weißen Icon: Roboterarm
  • Methods, processes, and tools for developing, quality assurance, and operating highly complex software-based systems in order to ensure function in a fault-tolerant and fail-safe manner even in unforeseen situations. Learn more 
  • Real-time capable software-based communication platforms and network technologies for interconnecting people and devices in intelligent production (within a factory site and from multiple locations) as well as temporary, nomadic 5G campus networks for connecting workers and machines on the construction site and for transmitting surveillance video. Learn more
  • Information logistics systems for emergency support and warning in complex industrial plants and critical infrastructure (KRITIS). Learn more
  • Explainable AI systems for industrial manufacturing and (real-time) data management systems. Learn more

Transportation, Traffic, and Aerospace

Fraunhofer FOKUS develops intelligent transportation and mobility solutions that connect road users and help to optimize traffic flow and safety on the road and rails, reduce emissions, and meet the specific requirements of cities, municipalities, and mobility companies and providers, including aspects related to pedestrians and cyclists.

Kreis in Fucsia mit einem weißen Icon: Fünf Wegmarkierungspunkte sind über gestrichelte Linien mit einem großen Zielmarkierungspunkt verbunden
  •  Improve AI-supported perception of the road and rail through real-time localization, networking of different modes of transport for greater safety and comfort, and simulation of highly complex mobility scenarios for intelligent traffic control systems. Learn more 
  • Ubiquitous Coverage: Combination of terrestrial and non-terrestrial communication networks for 5G mobile coverage of roads in remote regions. Learn more 
  • Quality assurance methods and use of cybersecurity tools for the reliability and security of digitized transport and rail systems. Learn more
  • Supporting cities, municipalities, and mobility companies in digital transformation by providing data management platforms. Learn more 

Administration and Public Life

The digitalization of administration and administrative processes plays a central role in improving public services' efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency and the interaction between citizens and administrative staff. Fraunhofer FOKUS supports public administrations in developing user-friendly and secure digital e-government solutions, allowing users to access relevant information and services while minimizing administrative work.

Kreis in Hellgrün mit einem weißen Icon: Hand hält ein Gebäude mit Kuppel und Fahne auf dem Dach und drei Menschen darin
  • Planning, developing, and implementing platforms for digital citizen services and data management solutions to simplify access to administrative information. Learn more
  • Development of information security and data protection solutions for authorities and emergency services (BOS), as well as information and helper systems for rescue forces and the population. Learn more 
  • Development of user-centered solutions in public administration to simplify access to information. Learn more
  • Solution for barrier-free indoor navigation in public buildings. Learn more (GER)

Health and Care

Digitalization is fundamentally changing the healthcare system and placing significantly higher demands on security and data protection. Fraunhofer FOKUS ensures more efficient and effective patient care while relieving the burden on healthcare providers and rescue organizations with integrated solutions for seamless patient data management, reducing administration, and improving patient care.

Kreis in Fucsia mit einem weißen Icon: zwie Hände halten ein Herz mit einem Kreuz
  • Development and deployment of secure systems for the exchange of medical information in compliance with data protection regulations, as well as for telemedical applications in emergencies, regular patient care, nursing and rehabilitation. Learn more 
  • Solutions for quality assurance of complex, safety-critical systems in hospitals and health care, the digital telematics infrastructure, digital health applications (DiGA) and the electronic patient record (ePA). Learn more
  • Design and development of data portals for medical care, e.g., the digitalization of the administrative processes of the German Federal Chamber of Pharmacists. Learn more 
  • Temporary, nomadic 5G networks for medical care in rural areas and for coordinating emergency services in the event of accidents. Learn more