
  • update, coming soon - blue torn paper revealing text
    © istock / Axel Bueckert / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    We have relaunched our website! In the current design of the Fraunhofer brand, we now offer visitors improved navigation through our institute's services. References and success stories as well as the websites of our six business units show how we are driving digital transformation for and with industry and government.

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  • Baustelle mit Bagger
    © Fraunhofer HHI

    To mark the conclusion of the CampusOS flagship project, 22 partners from industry and research have published a guideline for the development and operation of open and modular 5G campus networks. These networks offer an alternative to the monolithic solutions of established providers and, through their Open RAN-based approach, promote the digital sovereignty of European companies. 5G campus networks can be deployed in various sectors, such as logistics, construction, manufacturing, agriculture, and healthcare.

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  • Veranstaltungszentrum bei Fraunhofer FOKUS während der BASE4NFDI Konferenz 2024
    © Fraunhofer FOKUS

    On November 20 and 21, 2024, the first Base4NFDI user conference took place at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, with almost 200 international guests from the NFDI community. The conference was organized by Base4NFDI, an initiative for the joint development and provision of research data management (RDM)-capable services.

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  • An AI-generated image of a woman with glasses looking at code on a monitor
    © AI-generated / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The Internet of Things (IoT) connects the majority of our devices and systems, such as smartphones, computers, and servers. They exchange messages with each other via so-called “brokers” and their communication protocols, e.g. MQTT. Fraunhofer FOKUS has developed a new security testing approach in the IoT. It employs innovative methods and tools that can be used to efficiently identify and eliminate vulnerabilities in communication protocols.

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  • An AI-generated image of a man working on a quantum computer on a desk
    © AI-generated / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Industrial users need to carefully consider the capabilities of quantum computers and their available computing resources for different applications. DIN SPEC 91480 now makes it possible for the first time to compare different quantum computers using standardized key performance indicators (KPIs).

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  • Portrait: Tom Ritter, Fraunhofer FOKUS, 2020
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    On October 29, 2024, Dr. Tom Ritter, deputy director of the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS, was appointed honorary professor of IT security and data protection at the Department of Computer Science, Communication and Economics (Department 4) at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (HTW).

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  • An AI-generated image of a family sitting on a small green sofa in front of the TV
    © AI-generated / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Video streaming has become an integral part of our daily media consumption and accounts for the majority (60 to 70 percent) of global internet traffic. The white paper provides guidelines to help decision makers, developers and consumers identify the complex and diverse relationships between streaming components and environmental impact, and promote sustainable solutions.

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  • Zwei Lieferfahrzeuge parken in einigem Abstand zueinander in zweiter Reihe neben vielen parkenden Autos
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Digital curbside management optimizes curbside parking by enabling dynamic time slots for delivery vehicles, taxis, etc. The Smart Mobility team at Fraunhofer FOKUS has developed a smartphone-based curbside screening solution that integrates diverse sensor sources in the street space to obtain an accurate picture of the current street situation.

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