
With six business units, around 450 employees in Berlin, and an annual budget of currently 42.6 million euros, Fraunhofer FOKUS is one of the largest information and communication technology institutes in the Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Depending on the topic and application domain, our teams work interdisciplinary on suitable customer solutions. As a result, we generate around 80 percent of our budget from contracts with industry and the public sector.


Fraunhofer FOKUS employs around 450 people with diverse academic backgrounds (with a focus on computer science) from 38 countries.


Around 80 percent of the institute's budget comes from contract research, including a high proportion from contract research with industry.


In 1988, FOKUS was founded in Berlin as the “Research Center for Open Communication Systems”, an institute of the GMD (GMD (Gesellschaft für Mathematik und Datenverarbeitung – Society for Mathematics and Information technology).

Our Business Units


Digital Public Services

Digitalization of administration, the state and public spaces: securely, user-oriented and in compliance with data protection regulations.


Future Applications and Media

Intelligent services and applications: interactive, personalized, everywhere.


Quality Engineering

Safeguarding, evaluating and optimizing system quality.


Smart Mobility

Solutions for automated driving, integrated urban mobility and cooperative and collaborative driver assistance systems.


Software-based Networks

Efficient, scalable and application-optimized communication technologies and architectures for the digital world.


Networked safety and health

Technologies for collaborative safety and health.