Labs and Testbeds

Fraunhofer FOKUS has a wide-ranging laboratory infrastructure in which interdisciplinary teams from science and technology work experimentally with users from industry and administration on various research questions and use cases. This includes labs and testbeds with a technological focus as well as demonstration and discussion rooms to test technologies, procedures, and solutions in an application-oriented manner to explore new markets and the specific requirements of end users beyond the current technological capacities of the industry and to initiate future innovations. 

  • Eine Menschengruppe auf dem Berliner Alexanderplatz steht um eine Gruppe Breakdancer und beobachtet die Performance
    © Matthias Heyde / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    In future, cities will change enormously due to a growing population, more traffic, increasing pollution, and other challenges. In various projects across our business units, the Smart Cities Lab is working on solutions to improve the future citizen's daily life.

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  • weiß-graue Hausfassade eines Wohnblocks in Berlin mit Fenstern und Balkonen
    © Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The Blockchain Workshop bundles the activities of the DPS and SQC business units of Fraunhofer FOKUS around blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. The Blockchain Workshop focuses on digital administration, the energy sector, open data, open science, quality assurance, identity management and the Internet of Things.

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  • Person hakt mit einem Stift ein Kästchen auf einem Zettel ab
    © istock / Warchi

    The CertLab supports the certification of IT products on behalf of the Federal Office for Security in Information Technology (BSI). The “CC certification procedures” guarantee that software and hardware products that are newly placed on the market are safe and trustworthy.

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  • KIEZRADAR Workshop im Citylab Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin, 2019
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The Open User Lab supports public administration and the judiciary in digitalisation projects with methodological competence and scientific expertise in the areas of user-centred design, user experience and digital accessibility. In addition, the Open User Lab supports the transformation of the state and administration in organisational development projects with lab concepts and e-learning formats.

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  • The Berlin Siegessaeule (Victory Column) in Tiergarten park, seen at night
    © iStock / SAKhanPhotography

    The FAME 5G Media Testbed (F5GMT) enables the development, testing, evaluation and demonstrations of Media Applications and Services operated within a 5G and in the future in 6G environments.

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  • Safety Lab am Fraunhofer FOKUS - Beratung eines Krisenstabs
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The safety lab at Fraunhofer FOKUS is a demonstration room and research laboratory and shows networked solutions in the field of public safety that put people at the center. In various realistic scenarios, it shows processes and technical interrelationships in control centers and monitoring centers and how they can be connected to alerting technologies for the population.

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  • Wissenschaftler arbeitet am Nomadic Node
    © Paul Hahn / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The 5G+ Nomadic Node consists of robust, transportable server rack containers with the hardware and software needed to set up a 5G campus network in just a few minutes. The software-based core network Open5GCore guarantees a highly flexible network in “standalone” operation tailored to the application.

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  • Fraunhofer FIRST 2006 Digital Dome
    © Bernhard Schurian / Fraunhofer FIRST

    Innovative visualization technologies and opportunities for interaction are tested at the Computer Graphics and Visualization Lab, host of multiple projection screens (dome, curved screen) and multiple advanced projectors.

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