Get to know the FOKUS-network for female students!
The female student network of the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS was founded in the 2022 summer semester. It is open to STEM students from all universities. We would like to offer all female students the opportunity to establish a personal network with other female students, FOKUS scientists and women with professional experience through regular events.
At the network meetings, we inform you about our experiences as women in science, and what we have learned. You have the opportunity to ask questions about FOKUS research topics and the everyday work of female scientists. You will find out what opportunities we offer you as an employer, about the range of bachelor's and master's theses and internships, and how you can apply to us.
The next network meeting will take place in fall 2025. Further information will follow.
FLINTA* Welcome
FLINTA stands for Female, Lesbian, Intersex, Trans, Agender, and further gender identities that experience marginalization and discrimination under a patriarchal society. At all our network meetings it is important to us to offer an inclusive protected space for underrepresented and disadvantaged groups. The Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft has been a member of the Diversity Charter since 2011. This also includes gender equality and gender diversity. The network is therefore expressly open to all FLINTA* people!
Collaborative research worldwide
Through joint professorships Fraunhofer FOKUS is closely connected with university-based research. Among others FOKUS has chairs at the Technical University Berlin, the Free University of Berlin, the Humboldt University of Berlin, the Berlin University of the Arts, the Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin and the University of Potsdam. Hereby we have the possibility to offer a professional support for diploma-, bachelor- and master theses.
Furthermore FOKUS has a network of teaching assignments and collaborative research projects with universities worldwide.