References and Success Stories


Indoor navigation

The Fraunhofer FOKUS indoor navigation system enables smartphone users to navigate accurately and barrier-free inside buildings.


Mobile experience locations for IT security

PopUp Labs make complex attacks and IT security defense technologies accessible to a broad target group.


AI voice assistance in emergency medicine

HYKIST is a real-time translation assistance system developed for basic and emergency medical communication.


The KATRETTER helper system

Professional service for emergency services to reach and coordinate volunteers quickly and in a legally compliant manner.


Virtualization of live events

Enhancing hybrid live events with state-of-the-art immersive technologies and blurring the boundaries between physical and digital perception.


Germany index of digitalization

Every two years, the Competence Centre for Public IT publishes an up-to-date picture of the digitalization situation in Germany.


Nomadic 5G network for fighting forest fires

The ALADIN project supports safer forest firefighting through demand-oriented, nomadic networks.


User-friendly quantum programming

The Qompiler project is developing a software stack with a higher-level quantum programming language.