FAME at IFA 2017
From September 1-6, 2017, Fraunhofer FOKUS business unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) exhibited at the Internationale Funkausstellung (IFA) in Berlin. With more than 100,000 visitors, IFA is one of the biggest fairs focused on new products and developments of the entertainment and electronics industry. In cooperation with our partners ZVEI Deutsche TV Plattform and Rundfunk Berlin Brandenburg (rbb) FAME presented its solutions on Interactive 360° Streaming as well as its Multi-Platform Application Toolkit (MPAT).

Together with our partner ZVEI Deutsche TV Plattform we invited all interested IFA-visitors to come to our booth and learn about the newest developments of 360° videos. We offered them the opportunity to interactively use our different demonstrations to get an individual 360° video experience. In this context, visitors were able to explore the video content and supplementary information by clicking on various integrated interaction elements. These functions are part of our new solution “Interactive 360° Streaming Suite for advanced 360° Storytelling”. It adds the storytelling feature to 360° Videos and is a further development of the “Cloud-based 360° Video Playout”, that offers the optimal streaming solution by significantly reducing the required bitrate.

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Furthermore we presented our “Multi-Platform Application Toolkit (MPAT)” side to side with our long term partner rbb. The German broadcaster used our easily applicable editor and CMS for the production of several HbbTV applications supporting the “Band Camp Berlin” series, the 25th anniversary edition of “Brandenburg Aktuell” and the “Täter, Opfer, Polizei” real-life crime series, which premiered as a regular companion to the TV series at IFA 2017. Visitors were invited to have a look at the editor itself to get to know its functions as well as the way it operates. Additionally it was possible to use the rbb applications on all installed devices.
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