FAME coordinates new EU-project

On December 16 and 17, 2015 at Fraunhofer FOKUS in Berlin, a kick-off meeting for a new EU project took place. The “Multi-Platform Application Toolkit” (MPAT) is based on the HbbTV Application Toolkit (HAT), which was developed as part of the EU funded PP project FI-content 2.

Die Kick-Off Veranstaltung bei Fraunhofer FOKUS
© Fraunhofer FOKUS

MPAT will develop tools for the simple creation of interactive apps for Smart TVs and Second Screens. Wordpress is used as a web interface that is extensible with templates and plug-ins. As content creators don't need any codings skills while utilizing a common web content creation tool, MPAT enables the fast and cost efficient development of interactive applications.

The applications work both for live and on-demand video content. App-to-app communication will allow information exchange between applications running on different devices. MPAT uses established standards such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript and HbbTV. The project results will be available under a permissive open-source licence.

MPAT is funded by the European Union Horizon 2020 programme. Fraunhofer FOKUS Competence Center FAME is the coordinator of the project and collaborates with the Institut für Rundfunktechnik (DE), Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg (DE), Lancaster University (UK), Mediaset (IT), Leadin (FI), Fincons (IT) and Telecom ParisTech (FR). 

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