Adaptive, interoperable professional education platforms using a digital triplet

Büro mit einer diversen Gruppe von Personen, Gegenlicht, zwei Personen arbeiten zusammen an einem Bildschirm im Vordergrund
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The digitalization of manufacturing and management operations in companies is progressing faster than the digitalization of professional education. In contrast to general education schools, professional education formats are often too static to adapt learning content to professional practice. The TRIPLEADAPT project aims to expand the digital learning environment via the development of a digital triplet so that employees can be supported in real challenges in their work processes.

In this context, the learning concepts arise from the analysis and modeling of process data, which are based on developed competence profiles and match these anonymized with the actual competence profiles. In this way, concrete learning needs can be identified for which transparent and comprehensible systems recommend differentiated learning content. The result of the implementation is to be a perceptible increase in learning success, whereby various aspects, such as the workload in variant-rich production, are taken into account. 

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Bedarfsangepasste, interoperable Weiterbildung durch Adaptiven Drilling - LiveTest TripleAdapt

Fraunhofer FOKUS' business unit FAME will focus on the overall technical concept as well as the interoperability of the learning technologies. By using Fraunhofer FOKUS' Common Learning Middleware (CLM), target groups will have access to knowledge on multiple professional education platforms. Using the CLM, a common structure will be developed for three independent platforms - Festo LX, Fraunhofer Portal and University 4 Industry - as well as interconnected via common LTI standards. This common structure and the standards will also be used to connect the AI components and can be used and opened for further platforms. Further platforms are to be adapted to these interfaces and their content made accessible in the form of automatically recommended individual learning paths.

The CLM will also be extended to include an exchangeable, cross-platform competence model. The development and implementation of the competence model, based on the ESCO classification (for skills, competences, qualifications and occupations), enables the exchange of competence profiles between learning platforms via the CLM. This allows the employees' competence profiles to be processed and extended also across different platforms.  

Project partners

Festo Lernzentrum Saar GmbH (FLZ), Festo Didactic SE, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz (DFKI), Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft, Mansystems Deutschland GmbH, Education4Industry GmbH, Wirtschaftsingenieurwissenschaftliches Institut, HTW Saar (HTW)