Fraunhofer FOKUS is founder member of the Papyrus Industry Consortium
Together with Airbus and Ericsson, Fraunhofer FOKUS co-founded the Papyrus Industry Consortium, which will develop modeling tools for the embedded systems branch. The new consortium was presented by the Eclipse Foundation during “embedded world” exhibition and conference.

As an alternative to conventional modeling tools protected by property rights, the Papyrus Industry Consortium aims at developing an industry-grade open source MBE solution which will also be available for teaching and research. The scope of application will cover embedded software, enterprise software, Internet of Things (IoT) and cyber-physical systems.
The modeling environment “Papyrus” will serve as a base. The environment supports the implementation of existing modelation languages like UML 2.5 and SysML 1.4 and the creation of industry-specific and domain-specific modeling languages. Moreover, Papyrus provides model-based simulation, model-based testing, safety analysis, and architecture exploration.
The founding members of Papyrus Industry Consortium are Adocus, Airbus Helicopters, Airbus Defence & Space, Atos, CEA List, Combitech/Saab, EclipseSource, Ericsson, Flanders make, Fraunhofer FOKUS, OneFact and Zeligsoft. “The Papyrus Industry Consortium is a great example of end-user organizations using open source to direct the development of an industry solution to meet their specific needs,” explains Mike Milinkovich, executive director of the Eclipse Foundation. He expects the Papyrus Industry Consortium to jointly fund about 5 million dollars per year for research and development towards such a modelation tool. “We believe this type of open source collaboration will be the future of software development for many types of industries.”
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