female worker using wire tie guns
© istock / BulentBARIS

Standardized communication protocols and technical specifications do require unique descriptions for testing. At the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) most test specifications are defined and standardized using the Testing & Test Control Notation (TTCN-3).

This work requires the

  • development of very large test suites in parallel team work,
  • creation and usage of TTCN-3 libraries, and
  • validation with/without the system under test (SUT).

Project Goals

Fraunhofer FOKUS participated in the following STFs/TTFs:

  • Hiperman: STF 252,
  • IPv6: STF 276,
  • SIP/ISUP-A&B: STF 297/301/348/366,
  • SIP/ISDN and SIP/SIP Network integration: STF 306/ STF369,
  • SIP/ISUP-C: STF 310/387,
  • Suppl. services TIP/TIR, OIP/OIR, HOLD: STF 334/335/336,
  • TTCN-3 Evolution: STF 337/446/478/491/514/573, TTF T003/T014/T023/T032/T040,
  • SIP/SDP in IMS core network: STF 346 (rel. 7), STF 445/467/471 (3GPP release 10),
  • IMS: NNI interop (STF 394), supplementary services (STF 406),
  • DIAMETER Rx, Gx, S6, S9, Cx, Dx, Sh, Dh: STF 434/443/450/466/480/544/579,
  • EPC S1-MME interface (STF 519, 526),
  • VoLTE/ViLTE interoperability test description over 4G/early 5G in physical/virtual environments (STF 574, TTF T006),
  • Conformance Test Specifications for the SCC-AS Services (TTF T016)
  • MBT/TDL: STF 442/476,
  • 3GPP TTCN specifications for User Equipment: STF 160,
  • oneM2M TST TTCN-3 conformance tests: TF-001, STF 559_ONEM2M.
  • VoLTE Emergency IoP test descriptions (TTF T010)
  • Conformance Test Specifications for the 5G NGAP and 5G NAS protocols (TTF T033/T041)
  • Towards a Harmonized Documentation Scheme for Trustworthy AI (TTF T038)


Testing & Test Control Notation (TTCN-3)


STFs/TTFs are organized by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). Their members come from multiple international companies and institutions. The STFs/TTFs are supervised by the following ETSI groups and departments:

  • Technical Committee BRAN
  • Technical Committee INT
  • Technical Committee MTS
  • Technical Committee ITS
  • Technical Commitee SmartM2M
  • Centre for Testing and Interoperability (CTI)