Security by Design IoT Development and Certificate Framework with Frontend Access Control

Horizontal color image of businesswoman - unrecognizable person - working with digital tablet in large futuristic factory. Woman standing on top of a balcony, holding touchpad and checking inventory of a manufacturing company on touchscreen tablet. Focus on futuristic machines in background, businesswoman's hands holding black tablet defocused.
© istock / yoh4nn

The IOTAC project aims to develop a novel, secure, and privacy-friendly IoT architecture that will facilitate secure IoT applications' development and operation.

The project will develop and implement technologies, e.g. front-end access control, several runtime security features such as AI-based attack detection, honeypots, checkpointing, and monitoring systems. These will be integrated into a secure gateway. The system will provide security measures at both hardware and software levels, consequently implementing the "security by design" paradigm. The recommended policies and procedures cover the entire development cycle of secure software, from design, development, and testing to evaluation and certification.

Fraunhofer FOKUS contributes to securing the IoT architecture with innovative technologies and tools for functional and security testing. For operational security, scientists at Fraunhofer FOKUS are developing modern attack detection methods, such as statistical anomaly detection. In addition, Fraunhofer FOKUS is leading the development of a methodology for the certification of IoT applications that will be developed based on the IOTAC architecture.

The results will be demonstrated and validated in four IoT use cases: Industry (remote terminal operation), consumer (smart home), automotive (autonomous driving), and aviation (drone operation). With 13 project partners, the consortium includes all stakeholders of the IoT ecosystem - service and technology providers, OEMs, developers, security experts and research partners. A laboratory environment enables the integration of the end-users.

The project is funded with five million Euros from the European Commission's H2020 program and coordinated by Atos Hungary. Alongside companies and research institutions from France, Greece, Hungary, Luxembourg, Poland, and Spain, Fraunhofer FOKUS and the Technische Universität Berlin are also involved as project partners.