
Open Source Framework for tool integration

Honeybees on a comb: Overhead view of honeybees on a comb
© istock / vikif

Today’s system development processes are complex and distributed. Many different software tools are involved and typically many persons playing different roles take part in an active or passive position. The key problems faced are the lack of consistency of artifacts produced during the development process, the lack of automation, and the lack of interoperability between tools.

  • ModelBus® is a tool integration framework which is used to couple software tools used for software and system engineering.
  • ModelBus® bridges the gap between proprietary data formats and programming interfaces.
  • ModelBus® automates the execution of tedious and error prone development tasks such as consistency checking across the whole development lifecycle.
  • ModelBus® uses SOA and ESB principles and tools are connected to the Bus by provision of ModelBus adapters.
  • ModelBus® is an Open Source initiative.
Übersicht Modelbus Services: Lifecycle Tools, Process Enactment, Core Services, Modeling Services
© Fraunhofer FOKUS


  • Eclipse: Topcased, Papyrus etc. 
  • IBM: DOORS, RSA, Rhapsody
  • Sparx Enterprise Architect
  • Matlab: Simulink, Stateflow
  • Microsoft Office
  • TRAC


  • Integration of software tools
  • Construction of integrated & automated tool chains
  • Support of collaboration of developers
  • Based on Service-oriented Architecture


  • Transportation: HTTP, HTTPS, XMPP, CXF, JMS, SOAP
  • Core Technologies: Distributed OSGi, SVN, EMF
  • Orchestration: BPMN, BPEL, ODE


  • Transformation: ATL, QVT etc.
  • Verification: OCL, Metrino etc.
  • Testing: FOKUS!MBT etc.
  • Code and document generation: MOFscript, M2T etc.
  • Traceability: Traceino