Smart Mobility Lab

The business unit smart mobility has a long-term expertise on both secure vehicle-to-X and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. In our lab, the institute’s parking garage as well as different Berlin testbeds, we experiment with realistic simulations of vehicle-to-vehicle-based applications. Apart from our vehicle-oriented work, we do research on communication technologies such as 5G and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enable autonomous driving. In addition to that, we road-test our simulated data under real life conditions using camera/lidar-equipped cars.

To cope with future mobility’s demands, it is not sufficient to solely take single vehicles into consideration. Researchers, therefore, work on a holistic-connected traffic planning that involves pedestrians, cyclists and public transportation. Only by this, a sustainable and user-centered future mobility can be ensured.


  • Consultancy and development services for connected and automated mobility
  • Analysis and evaluation of large-scale, located data (big data)
  • Localization and environmental perception via LIDAR and camera systems
  • Validation of prototypes regarding standards compliance and their impact with the help of simulations
  • Running of field tests

Target audience:

  • Automotive companies
  • Supplier
  • Startup companies
  • Federal ministries/authorities
  • Traffic management offices


Eclipse MOSAIC – Open source simulation environment

The aim of Eclipse MOSAIC is to make the preparation and execution of simulations as easy as possible for the users, hence, a comprehensive framework for simulator integration was created that facilitates the simulation of Smart Mobility scenarios. By coupling different simulators, the multi-aspect simulation environment enables the simulation of the various aspects of future Intelligent transportation systems. Consequently, Eclipse MOSAIC simulations allow the analysis of novel mobility solutions before real field tests start.

FLLT.AI – Fraunhofer-Lidar-Labeling-Tool

Before a vehicle is able to drive properly, it must have the ability to see independently and recognise objects accordingly. FLLT.AI supports AI-Developer, labeling experts and software developer from automotive companies and supplier as well as sensor manufacturer to analyze and annotate image data from cameras and Lidar laser scanners.

Indoor Navigation System

The Smart Mobility indoor navigation system enables pedestrians to navigate themselves through buildings accessibly and precisely – in hospitals, train stations, airports, administration buildings, shopping malls or a big company building complex.

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Crowdsourcing app provides data for mobility and mapping services