Launch of the New Horizon 2020 Project ACROSS
Co-funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation framework programme, ACROSS – Towards user journeys for the delivery of cross-border services ensuring data sovereignty. Spanning through three years, ACROSS consists of a consortium of 10 partners from 7 countries: Athens Technology Center (co-ordinator), Tecnalia, Dataport, Engineering, Fraunhofer, GRNET, TimeLex, Lisbon Council, WAAG Society, VARAM. The project kicked off its activities in February 2021, with an energising online meeting, where all partners took the floor to present their ambitious plans to make the project a great success.

The main objective of the ACROSS project is to provide the means (tools, methods and techniques) that will enable user-centric design and implementation of interoperable cross-border (digital) public services compliant with the current European regulations (i.e. the Single Digital Gateway (SDG), “once-only” principle (OOP) and the European Interoperability Framework (EIF)). The private sector will be able to interconnect their services while ensuring the data sovereignty of the citizens, who can set the privacy level that will allow the public and private sector to access their data based on their requirements.
To achieve these smart user-centric services, ACROSS will provide social and technical enablers integrated into an ecosystem, the ACROSS ecosystem, to co-design, co-create and co-deliver user-centric, accessible, interoperable (with other Public Administrations and with third-party private service providers) and regulation-compliant cross-border digital services, while assuring the (personal) data sovereignty and control to the citizens.
ACROSS will support three countries at different points in their digital transformation journeys – Greece, Germany and Latvia – to address and analyse the technological, organisational, administrative, semantic and legal aspects, providing evidence for delivering more efficient cross-border mobility services to the citizens.
Further information will be available at the ACROSS Website.
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