Competences for digitalised administration
How do activities, professional requirements, working methods and work culture change as a result of the digitalisation of the public sector? Which competences and qualifications will be increasingly important in the future? How must successful qualification 4.0, suitable learning and teaching for the public sector be designed? These questions were addressed by the “Qualifica Digitalis” project - a project of the IT Planning Council under the leadership of the Senator for Finance of the State of Bremen. The results of the project have now been published in five comprehensive volumes.

The project was carried out by the German Research Institute for Public Administration Speyer (FÖV), the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS and the Institute for Information Management Bremen (ifib). The objective was to develop recommendations for action based on a scientifically sound analysis. The key points were qualification strategies for organising vocational training and personnel development in line with the requirements of the digital transformation.
The project was divided into three phases. The first phase involved the analysis and preparation of the competence requirements, qualification and training developments in the public sector that have changed as a result of the digitalisation of administration. The first result of the analysis was the meta-study “Competences, perspectives and learning methods in the digitalised public sector” published in 2020 under the leadership of Fraunhofer FOKUS.
Further results are the analyses of two online surveys now available. The purpose of the surveys was to record the status quo of digitalisation and the competence requirements in public administration. The study was conducted between the beginning of November 2020 and the end of April 2021 using two different questionnaires in a total of seven so-called domains (justice, central, education, tax and social administration as well as citizen-oriented services and IT service / IT management).
The domain reports are illustrated in separate publications for each research institute and can be downloaded free of charge as pdf files from the Kellner-Verlag website. Fraunhofer FOKUS was in charge of compiling volumes 4 and 5.
The first volume of the series provides an overview of the project's purpose, organisation and participating actors. Volumes 2 to 4 each contain the results of the online survey and workshops conducted in the project in the seven specialised domains of tax administration, judicial administration, social administration, central administration, IT management / IT service, education administration and citizen-oriented services.
- Project website Qualifica Digitalis
- Project results of Qualifica Digitalis
- Volume 1: Meta study “Kompetenzen, Perspektiven und Lernmethoden im digitalisierten Öffentlichen Sektor”
- Volume 2: Domains “Steuer- und Bildungsverwaltung sowie weitere bürgernahe Dienste”
- Volume 3: Domains “Justiz- und Zentralverwaltung”
- Volume 4: Domains “Sozialverwaltung sowie IT-Steuerung und IT-Service”
- Volume 5: “Kompetenzen für die digitalisierte Verwaltung”
The focus of the 5th volume is the analysis of the framework conditions and the deduction of recommendations for action for qualification in public administration in the areas of training, dual administrative studies as well as further and advanced training in public administration. The study sample comprised the federal states of Bremen, Brandenburg, Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia as well as the federal administration. The sample covers both large and small federal states. “The studies published in this specialist book series are a valuable contribution to the further development of digitalised public administration,” states Juliane Schmeling from Fraunhofer FOKUS, one of the authors of the study.
The five-part series will be supplemented by further digital publications and practical reports. All project results are available on the website.
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