webinos Foundation Launch

webinos, a three year project aimed at connecting devices will achieve a major milestone on the 22nd of November 2013, when the webinos Open Source foundation will be launched.

The FOKUS Competence Center Future Applications and Media is proud to be the project leader of the large-scale EU funded webinos project. The webinos technology allows you to create powerful applications, based on web technology, which will run in cars, on mobiles, on PCs, in TVs and more generally is applicable to any of the new Internet of Things (IOT) devices. Not only can the applications run on any device, but each device is able to connect to and use each other capabilities, in a security sensitive way.

As our homes, cars, and even clothes become internet enabled, the issues of privacy becomes paramount. These considerations are at the heart of webinos technology, and it is here that academic and industry experts invested their efforts.

Zwei Personen sitzen in einem Auto und benutzen jeweils ein Navigationssystem auf verschiedenen Bildschirmen.
© Matthias Heyde / Fraunhofer FOKUS

Supported by an EU FP7 grant and co-funded by industry Sony, Samsung R&D Institute UK, BMW, Telefonica, Telecom Italia, Deutsche Telekom, DOCOMO, Fraunhofer and W3C, amongst 30 other organisations are the principle originators of the technology.

On the 22 November 2013 at Campus London the foundation will be formally launched. Demonstrations will be available showing health devices, home automation devices and automotive implementations, where both the benefits and security protections of sharing data can be shown. The practical value of the platform for TV manufactureres and Automotive manufactures will be demonstrated, where we show how full end user systems can be created with powerful web technologies. Free webinos evaluation kits will be given away working on Raspberry PIs and Androsticks for developers to get hands on experience.

About webinos:

webinos delivers an open source platform for web applications across mobile, PC, home media (TV), in-car devices and Internet of Things devices. All software is made available under an Apache 2.0 license.

More than 30 partners are represented within the consortium including:

Agoramedia, AmbieSense Ltd, Antenna Software, BMW Forschung und Technik GmbH, CloudFriends, DataDriven, DOCOMO Communications Laboratories Europe GmbH, Deutsche Telekom AG, Fraunhofer, futuretext, iMinds, IMPLEO Professional Services Limited, Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, KT,  National Technical University of Athens, Nitobi Software, Nquiringminds Ltd, Politecnico di Torino, Present Technologies, Samsung R&D Institute UK Ltd, Silver Probe Consulting Ltd, Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication AB, Technische Universität München, Telecom Italia S.p.A., Telecom Paris Tech, Telefonica Investigación y Desarrollo SA, TNO, Universita di Catania, University of  Oxford, VisionMobile Ltd, W3C.

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