At a Glance
FixMyCity, the web based citizen reporting platform by Fraunhofer FOKUS, provides a way for citizens to report issues to the responsible public authorities independent from time and place. Through the combination of FixMyCity platform features, bidirectional channels are created between citizens on the one side and public authorities on the other. FixMyCity focuses on cross device support and Social Media integration.
FixMyCity is commercially available for desktop PCs, smartphones and tablets.
About FixMyCity
Potholes, graffiti, damaged park benches and the like are problems all cities and towns are faced with. The time that passes before the appropriate authorities become aware of the damages and fix them, can often seem endless to many citizens. FixMyCity can help. It allows citizens to quickly contact the appropriate person in the local administration. Damage reports can be tagged with GPS coordinates and entered via smartphone or tablet. In addition, the citizen can find out whether anyone else has already entered an issue. The citizens thus support their governments and have a direct influence. The public authorities make their decisions on a broader basis and repair damage quickly and economically.
FixMyCity offers a visual illustration of publicly available data, makes interactions based on standard Web technologies possible and offers access through any modern browser, which increases its availability, reduces the development time and costs. Therefore, information and communication technologies become more and more popular in the private sector as well as in companies.