Parallel to the switchover from analog to digital Television, various interactive digital television systems have developed in various places of the world - some only recently, some already more than a decade ago. The driving idea was to offer consumers additional novative features and multimedia services. As a result of the broadcast-broadband convergence, most TV sets sold today are so-called Smart TVs or Connected TVs that support the current trend of integration of the Internet into modern television sets and set-top boxes.
However, every iDTV and Smart TV system has grown on its own technologies, needs and country laws. Applications written for one system are generally not compatible with another system.
The World Broadcasting Union has expressed formally (Declaration on Hybrid and Internet Television, November 2011), the advantages of a common platform, although the Union recognizes that the current situation makes very difficult the creation of such a platform by the normal market rules.
The scope of GLOBAL ITV project is now to develop an interoperability scheme that allows several iDTV and Smart TV systems to work together, exchanging and using the information (be it general or personal). The ultimate aim is to lay the foundation for a global interoperable platform.
Major Brazilian and European companies, organisations and research establishments have decided to join forces. The consortium is convinced to have at its disposal all means to define and showcase a reliable migration path and a coexistence scenario towards a next-generation hybrid TV platform based on established standards. The extensive experience of all partners, and the advice of the international GLOBAL ITV Council, will ensure the definition of viable solutions with direct traction on the market and a clear perspective for the future.
The project matches the objectives of the Work Programme for the 2nd Coordinated Call Brazil-Europe, Point 4: Hybrid broadcast-broadband applications and services.