fRamework for safE, opEn, collaboratiVe And incLUsive digitisAtion and managemenT of cultural heritage

Cave of the Hands - Argentina
© iStock / Photon-Photos

REEVALUATE project will provide a holistic solution to the challenges of Cultural Heritage (CH) digitisation management, enabling collaboration, boosting creative reuse and promoting democratic and inclusive prioritisation and contextualisation.

The project will develop a modular framework that facilitates each stage of a digitised artefact’s life cycle (prioritisation, contextualisation, storage, collaboration and reuse) through a set of technological enablers, free versions of which will be made available by the consortium for integration to the ECCCH.

AI techniques will be employed throughout the framework to assist the manual contextualisation, to improve prioritisation through public sensing, to visualise creative ideas of reuse, to propose collaborations and cases for reuse, and to validate the context of the reused artefacts.

The framework also deals with the secure storage of the digitised artefacts and frames the intellectual property rights through CH object tokenization and the introduction of smart contracts for reuse. The framework also comes with a standardised semantic representation of the artefact’s metadata in order to improve its accessibility and discoverability and enable automated discovery of digitised CH object misuses.

REEVALUATE will validate the results in 3 different real-life use cases, demonstrating the framework's ability to manage the challenges associated with digitization of CH artefacts and their reuse within:

  1. the Fashion and Gaming industries,
  2. the Advertising industry and
  3. the Tourism industry.

REEVALUATE is funded by the European Union as part of the Horizon “CL2 Re-visiting the digitisation of cultural heritage” call under Grant Agreement: 101132389and comprises 16 partners from seven countries.

Fraunhofer FOKUS business unit Future Applications and Media (FAME) is leading the work package for Piloting and Validation of the REEVALUATE framework, the largest WP of the project.

Core activities of Fraunhofer FOKUS will be the utilization of Metaverse framework components and experience with large scale pilots to ensure the reliable and efficient interoperation of assets, enabler and services to achieve an successful execution of the pilots.