
Blau-Schwarzer Farbverlauf mit weißen Punkten, die in Wellen angeordnet sind
© iStock / Turkan Rahimli

In the “Open6GHub” project, a holistic 6G system is to be designed that meets the requirements of users and society after 2030. In the European context, this will provide contributions to a global 6G harmonization process and standard that takes into account German interests in terms of societal priorities while strengthening the competitiveness of companies and technological sovereignty as well as the position of Germany and Europe in the international competition for 6G. First, the 17 project partners involved are looking at application scenarios in the connected factory, rural areas, and agriculture.

At Open6GHub, an organic 6G core network is being researched and developed, taking the highest requirements for reliability and flexibility into account. The team of the Software-based Networks business unit benefits from many years of 4G and 5G core network expertise to design the essential components for an organic, distributed 6G core network and integrate them into the emerging test environments. The goal of the Open6GHub is to provide contributions to a global 6G harmonization process and standard in a European context.

The Open6GHub is part of the 6G strategy of the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), which is to be funded with up to 250 million euros over 4 years. A total of around 50 research partners from science and industry are involved in the four hubs. The project coordinator for the Open6GHub is the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), and this hub in particular is being supported with 68 million euros. In addition to the Open6GHub, Fraunhofer FOKUS is also involved in the Hub 6G-RIC.