Services 5G Playground

Your own 5G Playground

Fraunhofer FOKUS is providing consultancy and support in replicating the 5G Playground infrastructure at customer premises, and through this to propagate the 5G testbeds and trials at different locations around the world.

For this, Fraunhofer FOKUS is offering support for the following critical items in the establishment of a testbed, knowledge gained through the deployment of the 5G Playground as well as of more than 60 testbeds around the world:

  • Frequency requirements and frequency test licenses for testbed infrastructures;
  • Base station and end-device acquisition
  • Data center hardware and local backhaul technologies
  • Software network deployments
  • Testbed management tools
  • Integration and testbed maintenance and management
  • Trials and data acquisition
  • Most effective demonstrations of a network environment

How to find us

Fraunhofer FOKUS Institute

Postal address

Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS
Kaiserin-Augusta-Allee 31
10589 Berlin