The research project m4guide is funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy and develops an innovative navigation system for sightless and partially sighted people. The system helps visually handicapped persons to move safely in unknown urban environments. It can be used by pedestrians, in public transport, in train stations and in administrative offices for citizens.
The project m4guide aims to develop and test a seamless travel, information and navigation system for standard smartphones. Pilot test areas are in Berlin-Mitte and in the administrative district of the city of Soest (North-Rhine Westphalia).
Until now, there exists no seamless navigation system for the 145,500 sightless and 1,200,000 partially sighted persons in Germany which includes all means of transportation, geolocates precisely and delivers real-time information. A navigation system for sightless and partially sighted persons can also be used by any other group of people.