DIN SPEC on the comparison of quantum computers published

Industrial users need to carefully consider the capabilities of quantum computers and their available computing resources for different applications. DIN SPEC 91480 now makes it possible for the first time to compare different quantum computers using standardized key performance indicators (KPIs).

An AI-generated image of a man working on a quantum computer on a desk
© AI-generated / Fraunhofer FOKUS

While many performance metrics are almost indistinguishable for end users, standardized KPIs enable an accurate assessment of different quantum computers. DIN SPEC 91480 outlines a common framework that reflects the complexity and diversity of the field. With research and further development in the field of quantum computing, continuous adjustments to the KPIs will be necessary. 

Fraunhofer FOKUS has contributed its expertise in the field of quantum computing to the development of DIN SPEC 91480. In the EniQmA project, the scientists have developed a concept for the definition of so-called algorithmic building blocks. Algorithmic building blocks are clearly defined modules that can be used as components of complex quantum algorithms. By using and evaluating them, the performance of quantum processing units can be systematically recorded. In addition, Fraunhofer FOKUS has used its many years of expertise in testing and evaluating cloud and telecommunications systems to enable a clear demarcation and interface definition of the individual system under test objects (SUT objects). In the project, Fraunhofer FOKUS also took over the deputy coordination of the DIN SPEC process, which included integrating the input of individual partners into the DIN SPEC.

In addition to Fraunhofer FOKUS, the Quantum Business Network (QBN) and other consortium partners will work together with DIN and other interest groups on the further development of DIN SPEC 91480.

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