Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolay Vassilev Tcholtchev

Nikolay Tcholtchev (PhD) is a Senior Researcher and Project Manager at the Competence Center SQC.

Education & Career

Nikolay Tcholtchev holds a PhD in engineering and a diploma degree in computer science from the Technical University of Berlin. He currently works for the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS), where he conducts projects in the areas of Smart Cities (Open Urban Platforms), Data Platforms, Network and System Management, Cybersecurity, Autonomic Communications, Virtual and Softwarized Networks and Testbeds, VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112), Blockchain, Smart Energy, Firewall/IDS/IPS, Model Checking, IPv4/6, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Model-based Testing and Testing for Critical Infrastructure Security Aspects, and Quantum Computing.

The current responsibilities of Nikolay Tcholtchev include the following activities: Team management of the group “Quality Engineering for Urban ICT and Quantum Computing”, technical project management (industrial projects, Horizon Europe, H2020) and reporting (BMBF/BMWK, H2020, Horizon Europe, industrial projects) as well as project acquisition (BMBF/BMWK, Horizon Europe, industrial projects). He also supervises Master's and Bachelor's students in their theses on the above-mentioned topics. Nikolay Tcholtchev is a regular participant in international conferences and publishes regularly in conference proceedings and journals.

Nikolay Tcholtchev coordinates the BMWK EniQmA project, which is a consortium (consisting of the University of Stuttgart, DB Systel, IBM, FU Berlin and Fraunhofer) working on providing methods and tools for the systematic development of hybrid quantum-based systems and services.

In addition, Nikolay Tcholtchev is a recognized reviewer/assessor expert (for signalling, telecommunications and electrical engineering (STE)) of the German Federal Railway Authority with a focus on IT security within the framework of the projects bbIP (bahnbtriebliches IP-Netz) and DSTW (Digitales Stellwerk) of DB Netz AG. Furthermore, he was appointed by the responsible Federal Ministry to a science and innovation advisory board for the implementation of one of the major digitization projects in Germany. With his team, he has carried out a number of projects and studies for the scientific service of the EU Parliament and for the EU Commission, evaluating different technologies and their roles for the development of the European Union.

  • Since 02/2020: Head of the group “Quality Engineering for Urban ICT & Quantum Computing” with 15 employees, personnel responsibility, resource and budget planning, project acquisition, customer management, development of the topic quantum computing in the business area Quality Engineering

  • Since 01/2008: Scientist (Senior) and Project Manager at the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems (FOKUS) Berlin: Smart Cities (Open Urban Platforms), Network and System Management, Cybersecurity, Autonomous Systems, Virtual and Software-based Networks and Testbeds, VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112), Blockchain, Smart Energy, Firewall/IDS/IPS, Model Checking, IPv4/6, IoT, Artificial Intelligence, Model-based Testing and Testing of Security Aspects
  • 04/2007 - 10/2007: Software developer at Nokia Siemens Networks Berlin
  • 10/2006 - 03/2007: Software developer (working student) in research & development, Siemens Networks Berlin
  • 06/2003 - 10/2006: Software Developer (working student) in Research & Development, Quality Assurance, Department for Software Technology & Tooling Siemens ICM/COM Berlin

Working areas

  • Project management and team management
  • Quantum computing, quantum key distribution and 5G
  • Data Platforms
  • Smart Cities - Open Data, Open Urban Platforms, Mobility-as-a-Service, IoT
  • Model-checking
  • Network and System Management
  • Railway and Telecommunications
  • Digitalization in healthcare
  • Virtual and Softwarized Networks and Testbeds
  • VoIP Emergency Communication (NG112)
  • Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity - Firewall/IDS/IPS
  • IPv6 Testing and Simulation
  • Model-based Testing with UML2.0 and TTCN-3
  • IPv4/v6 & Ethernet - configuration and error management
  • Network simulation - IP addressing and routing in GNS3, OMNET++ ...
  • Autonomous systems and networks
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Future Internet - revolutionary and evolutionary approaches
  • Fault tolerance and resilience in distributed systems
  • Testbeds and experimental platforms
  • Test-Management
  • Software, network and test architecture


Current Projects:

  • Consulting for German and European cities in the field of Smart City Technologies, Open Urban Platforms and ICT Reference Architectures for Sustainable Urban Development
  • Stadt-Land-Fluss - AI based optimization of food supply chains
  • Organization of workshops to present relevant Smart City topics to industry as well as to cities
  • BMBF CHARMS - Integration of historical building stock of urban regions into a modern and energy-efficient society
  • Study/consulting on “Social Transitioning to Smart Cities” for European institutions
  • Large industrial projects in the railway sector
  • DIN SPEC 91480 Benchmarking quantum computers
  • BMBF KIVEP - Preventing and detecting compromised IoT devices through protocol anomaly detection
  • H2020 SPATIAL - Security and Privacy Accountable Technology Innovations, Algorithms, and machine Learning
  • BMWK EniQmA - Enabling Hybrid Quantum Applications
  • BMWK SeQuenC - Sovereignty for Quantum Solutions in the Cloud
  • BMWK Qompiler - Standardized Quantum Software Stack
  • Training courses for federal authorities in the field of quantum computing
  • Quantum Technology Professional - Preparation of a training program for practical quantum computing

Completed Projects:

Smart Cities, Data Platforms, Open Urban Platforms and Technology Overview:

  • Open Cities - European project focusing on technological infrastructures for Smart Cities
  • Gemo - Community Electric Mobility
  • OGDD - Open Government Data Germany
  • GovData.DE - the platform for Open Government Data in Germany
  • - Open Data Platform for the City of Berlin
  • ProSeMo - Proactive Seemless Mobility (competition phase)
  • - Open Energy Data in Berlin
  • European Innovation Partnership Smart Citites and Communities (EIP SCC) - regular participant, involved in the work of the WS2 ICT Reference Architecture
  • DIN SPEC 91357 - Reference Architecture Model Open Urban Platform (OUP)
  • DIN SPEC 91367 - Urban mobility data collection for real-time applications
  • DIN SPEC 91397 - Guidelines for the implementation of digital systems for neighborhood management
  • Urban Data Spaces - Study, concept and definition of an urban data space on behalf of BMBF
  • Morgenstadt - Smart City Network of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft
  • Study/ Consulting on “Blockchain in International Trade and Supply Chains” for European Institutions
  • Study/ Consulting on “Key enabling technologies for Europe's technological sovereignty” for European Institutions
  • Study/ Consulting on “Standards Landscaping and Gap Analysis on the Safety of Autonomous Robots controlled by Artificial Intelligence” for European Institutions
  • WindNODE - Use of Blockchain in the field of Smart Energy
  • H2020 Triangulum - Definition of an ICT Reference Architecture for Smart Cities

Cybersecurity & Quality Assurance:

  • DIAMONDS - Development and Industrial Application of Multi-Domain Security Testing Technologies
  • Industrial project with focus on model checking for the firewall implementations within a large-scale telecommunication infrastructure
  • Industrial project focusing on the definition of the security function of an industrial IoT solution and related standardization activities
  • Industry project focusing on functional and security testing for one of the key components of a large-scale telecom infrastructure.
  • H2020 FORTIKA - Cybersecurity for SMEs (Firewall/IDS/IPS)

Network and Telecommunications Technology and Network and Systems Management:


  • EFIPSANS - Autonomic Network and Systems Management in IPv6 networks
  • Autonomic Network Architecture (ANA)
  • Industry projects in the framework of the IPv6 Testing Labs
  • IPv6 Phase 2 for Public Administration - Routing, Addressing and Network Simulation for Security Oriented Policy-based Routing for Public Sector ICT Architectures
  • Industry project focusing on load and performance testing for one of the key components of a large-scale telecom infrastructure
  • Bizware - Model and Software Factory
  • H2020 EMYNOS - NG 112 VoIP Emergency Communication and IoT Integration

Activities & Memberships

  • DIN SPEC 91357 - Reference Architecture Model Open Urban Platforms (OUP)
  • DIN SPEC 91367 - Urban mobility data collection for real-time applications
  • DIN SPEC 91397 - Guideline for the implementation of digital systems for neighborhood management
  • DIN SPEC 91480 (Initiator) - Benchmarking quantum computers
  • DIN Smart City Forum
  • CEN/CENELEC Focus Group on Quantum Technologies
  • EIP SCC - European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities
  • Morgenstadt - Steering Board Member for Fraunhofer FOKUS in 2018, on behalf of Prof. Dr. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Reviewer/Assessor (for signaling, telecommunication and electrical engineering (STE)) of the German Federal Railway Authority with focus on IT security in the context of the projects bbIP (bahnbetriebliches IP-Netz) and DSTW (Digitales Stellwerk) of DB Netz AG
  • Member of the Science and Innovation Advisory Board for the implementation of one of the planned major digitization projects in Germany

Scientific work

Participation in scientific peer reviews:

  • IEEE Access Journal
  • ACM Transactions on Quantum Computing
  • Springer Software and Systems Modelling Journal
  • SAGE Open Journal
  • Springer Journal on Mobile Networks and Applications
  • International Journal of Network Management
  • IEEE Internet of Things Magazine
  • IEEE Micro Journal
  • Elsevier Journal on Urban Governance
  • MDPI Sustainability
  • MDPI Energies
  • MDPI Entropy
  • International Journal of Green Energy
  • AIIPCC 2019 International Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Information Processing and Cloud Computing
  • Workshop on Edge Systems, Analytics and Networking (EdgeSys)
  • DASA: International Conference on Decision Aid Sciences and Applications
  • eConf: Conference on e-Services and e-Systems
  • Evaluator for the development of the SENAI ICT Institute in Recife (Brazil)
  • Evaluation services for the EU Commission
  • Evaluation services for Dutch Research Council (NWO)

Teaching assignments - supervised bachelor's, master's, and diploma theses and internships:

  • Master's thesis, Michell Boerger, “Leveraging Blockchain Technologies to Build Short-Term Energy Flexibility Markets,” December 18, 2020, TU Berlin, Prof. Manfred Hauswirth
  • Master's thesis, Denis Rangelov, “Design and Development of a Solar Energy Forecasting Method based on Machine Learning and Deep Learning Techniques,” June 07, 2021, TU Berlin, Prof. Manfred Hauswirth
  • Bachelor thesis, Niclas Kullig, “Prototypical Implementation and Evaluation of a Client Blockchain Component on IoT Devices,” March 07, 2019, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Gober
  • Diploma thesis, Rene Richter, “A DevOps-based method for generating test reports suitable for certification,” June, 2019, Free University Berlin, Prof. Katinka Wolter
  • Bachelor thesis, Denis Rangelov, “Design and Development of a Front-End and Business Logic Components for Blockchain Utilization in the Energy Domain,” 2019, Technical University Berlin, Prof. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Internship report, Niclas Kullig, 2018, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin
  • Master thesis, Ramon Barakat, “Design and specification of an experimental platform for the transmission of eHealth sensor values in the context of the Next Generation Emergency Call System NG112”, 2018, Technical University Berlin, Prof. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Master's thesis, Yuang Chen, “Providing the Infrastructure for SICCT Protocol Tests with Focus on Service Discovery and Pairing,” 2018-07-01, Technical University Berlin, Prof. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Bachelor thesis in Cognitive Science, Robert Scholz, “Design and Implementation of a CKAN-Plugin for Data Harvesting to the Hadoop Distributed File System”, October 12th 2015, University of Osnabrück, PD Dr. Helmar Gust
  • Master thesis, Philipp Lämmel, “Securing services in the cloud based on the combination of OpenID and OAuth, Berlin”, September 04, 2014, Free University Berlin, Prof. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Master's thesis, Faruk Catal, “Development of a framework for visualizing IPv6 packet traversal using the network simulation environment GNS3 as an example”, 2014, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Prof. Edzard Höfig.
  • Bachelor thesis, Faruk Catal, “Migration of urban data platforms to the cloud,” April 21, 2013, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Prof. Ina Schieferdecker
  • Internship Report, Faruk Catal, 2012, Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin, Computer Engineering BA program.


Publication Type
2024 AI Robustness Against Attacks in City-Scale Autonomous Drone Deployments
Ottun, Abdul-Rasheed; Akintola, Adeyinka; Liyanage, Mohan; Boerger, Michell; Hui, Pan; Tarkoma, Sasu; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Nurmi, Petteri; Flores, Huber
Journal Article
2024 Resilience of lattice-based Cryptosystems to Quantum Attacks
Köppl, Tobias; Zander, René; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
Conference Paper
2024 SPATIAL: Practical AI Trustworthiness with Human Oversight
Ottun, Abdul-Rasheed; Marasinghe, Rasinthe; Elemosho, Toluwani; Liyanage, Mohan; Ahmed, Ashfaq Hussain; Boerger, Michell; Sandeepa, Chamara; Senevirathna, Thulitha; La, Vinh Hoa; Nguyen, Manh-Dung; Soriente, Claudio; Marchal, Samuel; Wang, Shennan; Noguero, David Solans; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Ding, Aaron Yi; Flores, Huber
Conference Paper
2024 PQ-REACT: Post Quantum Cryptography Framework for Energy Aware Contexts
García-Cid, Marta; Kourtis, Michail-Alexandros; Domingo, David; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Markakis, Evangelos K.; Niemiec, Marcin; Martín, Vicente; López, Diego; Gagliard, Maria; González, José; García, Miguel; Comande, Giovanni; Stoianov, Nikolai
Conference Paper
2024 Quantitative Evaluation of xAI Methods for Multivariate Time Series - A Case Study for a CNN-Based MI Detection Model
Knof, Helene; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
Conference Paper
2024 The SPATIAL Architecture: Design and Development Experiences from Gauging and Monitoring the AI Inference Capabilities of Modern Applications
Ottun, Abdul-Rasheed; Marasinghe, Rasinthe; Elemosho, Toluwani; Liyanage, Mohan; Ragab, Mohamad; Bagave, Prachi; Westberg, Marcus; Asadi, Mehrdad; Boerger, Michell; Sandeepa, Chamara; Senevirathna, Thulitha; Siniarski, Bartlomiej; Liyanage, Madhusanka; La, Vinh Hoa; Nguyen , Manh-Dung; Montes De Oca, Edgardo; Oomen, Tessa; Gonçalves, João Fernando Ferreira; Tanasković, Illija; Klopanovic, Sasa; Kourtellis, Nicolas; Soriente, Claudio; Pridmore, Jason; Cavalli, Ana Rosa; Draskovic, Drasko; Marchal, Samuel; Wang, Shennan; Noguero, David Solans; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Ding, Aaron Yi; Flores, Huber
Conference Paper
2024 Quantum Backtracking in Qrisp Applied to Sudoku Problems
Seidel, Raphael; Zander, René; Petric, Matic; Steinmann, Niklas; Liu, David Q.; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
2024 Towards Continuous Development for Quantum Programming in Decentralized IoT environments
Kourtis, Michail Alexandros; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Xilouris, George; Markakis, Evangelos; Petric, Matic; Seidel, Raphael; Bock, Sebastian
Journal Article
2024 Extracting GHZ states from linear cluster states
Jong, Dirk J. de; Hahn, F.; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred; Pappa, Anna
Journal Article
2023 Extracting GHZ states from linear cluster states
Jong, J. de; Hahn, F.; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred; Pappa, Anna
2023 An OMNeT++-Based Approach to Narrowband-IoT Traffic Generation for Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection
Darius, Paul; Rangelov, Denis; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
Conference Paper
2023 A Testing Pipeline for Quantum Computing Applications
Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
Conference Paper
2023 Social approach to the transition to smart cities
Macaluso, Agnese; Flickenschild, Michael; Gasparotti, Alessandro; Wedman, Hidde; Panagiotidou, Zinovia; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Fernandez Lopez, Trinidad; Baudouin, Philippe; Gars, Gaelle le
2023 OASEES: An Innovative Scope for a DAO-Based Programmable Swarm Solution, for Decentralizing AI Applications Close to Data Generation Locations
Chochliouros, Ioannis P.; Kourtis, Michail Alexandros; Xilouris, George K.; Tavernier, Wouter de; Sanchez, Enrique Areizaga; Anastassova, Margarita; Bolzmacher, Christian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Corsi, Antonello; Trakadas, Panagiotis T.; Millet, Marta; Xenakis, Christos K.; Imeri, Adnan; Bellesini, Francesco; D’Ostilio, Paride; Markakis, Albertos; Engin, Ihsan Bal; Litke, Antonis; Quarato, Lucrezia Maria; Cugat, Diego; Gardikis, Georgios; Zarakovitis, Charilaos C.; Bouilland, Stéphane; Zaharis, Zaharias D.; Lessi, Christina C.; Arvanitozisis, Dimitrios N.; Spiliopoulou, Anastasia S.
Conference Paper
2023 One to Rule them All: A Study on Requirement Management Tools for the Development of Modern AI-based Software
Ottun, Abdul-Rasheed; Asadi, Mehrdad; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Gonçalves, João; Borovčanin, Duşan; Siniarsk, Bartlomiej; Flores, Huber
Conference Paper
2023 Uncomputation in the Qrisp High-Level Quantum Programming Framework
Seidel, Raphael; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Bock, Sebastian; Hauswirth, Manfred
Conference Paper
2023 Exploring CNN and XAI-based Approaches for Accountable MI Detection in the Context of IoT-enabled Emergency Communication Systems
Knof, Helene; Bagave, Prachi; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Yi Ding, Aaron
Conference Paper
2023 Automatic generation of Grover quantum oracles for arbitrary data structures
Seidel, Raphael; Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Bock, Sebastian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2023 Towards an integrated methodology and toolchain for machine learning-based intrusion detection in Urban IoT networks and platforms
Rangelov, Denis; Lämmel, Philipp; Brunzel, Lisa; Borgert, Stephan; Darius, Paul; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Boerger, Michell
Journal Article
2023 Design and development of a short-term photovoltaic power output forecasting method based on Random Forest, Deep Neural Network and LSTM using readily available weather features
Rangelov, Denis; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Lämmel, Philipp; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2022 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
Adler, Rasmus; Bunte, Andreas; Burton, Simon; Großmann, Jürgen; Jaschke, Alexander; Kleen, Philip; Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam; Ma, Jackie; Markert, Karla; Meeß, Henri; Meyer, Olga; Neuhüttler, Jens; Philipp, Patrick; Poretschkin, Maximilian; Rennoch, Axel; Roscher, Karsten; Sperl, Philip; Usländer, Thomas; Weicken, Eva; Wrobel, Stefan; Zidowitz, Stephan; Ziehn, Jens; Kläs, Michael; Cheng, Chih-Hong; Heinrich, Jana; Knoblauch, Dorian; Heidrich, Jens; Görge, Rebekka; Kolomiichuk, Sergii; Lämmel, Philipp; Plinge, Axel; Rauh, Lukas; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
2022 DIN SPEC 91397. Leitfaden für die Implementierung von digitalen Systemen des Quartiersmanagements
Heuser, Lutz; Dickgießer, Daniel; Meevissen, Matthias; Bosak, Georg; Rapp, Harald; Schemann, Georg; Kubale, Sibylle; Schickel, Clemens; Kehren, Dieter; Alefs, Michael; Krüger, Tammo; Ruess, Patrick; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Herrmann, Christian; Rath, Michael; Schonowski, Joachim; Hübner, Bertram; Hülsmann, Christoph; Pollmann, Werner; Groß, Bastian; Schaffrin, Rüdiger; Berndt, Maria; Höffken, Stefan; Chevalier, Marion; Heyder, Monika; Koch, Andreas; Horster, Bettina; Feil, Rudi; Weiß, Wolfgang
2022 Computer Scientist's and Programmer's View on Quantum Algorithms: Mapping Functions' APIs and Inputs to Oracles
Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Ritter, Tom; Hauswirth, Manfred
Conference Paper
2022 Design and specification of a privacy-preserving registration for Blockchain-based energy markets
Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2022 Qrisp: a framework for compilable high-level programming of gate-based quantum computers
Seidel, Raphael; Bock, Sebastian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
2022 Enabling short-term energy flexibility markets through Blockchain
Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2022 Towards a Quantum Benchmark Suite with Standardized KPIs
Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Bock, Sebastian; Seidel, Raphael; Hauswirth, Manfred
Conference Paper
2022 Quanten-IKT
Gumz, Jan Dennis; Hunt, Simon Sebastian; Stemmer, Michael; Bock, Sebastian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Mattern, Denny; Paschke, Adrian; Margraf, Marian
2022 Efficient Floating Point Arithmetic for Quantum Computers
Seidel, Raphael; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Bock, Sebastian; Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2021 Efficient Floating Point Arithmetic for Quantum Computers
Seidel, Raphael; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Bock, Sebastian; Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Hauswirth, Manfred
2021 Policies and Recommendations for IT Security in Urban Environments from the Morgenstadt Urban Data Partnership Project
Lämmel, Philipp; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ottendörfer, Eva
Journal Article
2021 Design and specification of a blockchain-based P2P energy trading platform
Rangelov, Denis; Subudhi, Budankailu Sameer Kumar; Lämmel, Philipp; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Khan, Jaffer
Conference Paper
2021 Ein Überblick urbaner Datenplattformen
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Raabe, Jacob
2021 Quantencomputing Teil 2 - Quantencomputing und Künstliche Intelligenz - Anwendungen
Paschke, Adrian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay
2021 Sustainable and Reliable Information and Communication Technology for Resilient Smart Cities
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2021 Automatic Generation of Grover Quantum Oracles for Arbitrary Data Structures
Seidel, Raphael; Becker, Colin Kai-Uwe; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Hauswirth, Manfred
2020 Building Data ecosystems to Unlock the Value of Urban (Big) Data. A good practices reference guide
Radecki, Alanus von; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schaj, Gretel
2020 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
Adler, R.; Kolomiichuk, Sergii; Hecker, Dirk; Lämmel, Philipp; Ma, Jackie; Marko, Angelina; Mock, Michael; Nagel, Tobias; Poretschkin, Maximilian; Rennoch, Axel; Röhler, Marcus; Ruf, Miriam; Schönhof, Raoul; Schneider, Martin A.; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ziehn, Jens; Böttinger, Konstantin; Jedlitschka, Andreas; Oala, Luis; Sperl, Philip; Wenzel, Markus; et al.
2020 Blockchain for supply chains and international trade
Copigneaux, Bertrand; Vlasov, Nikita; Bani, Emarildo; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Fuenfzig, Michael; Snoeijenbos, Simone; Flickenschild, Michael; Piantoni, Martina; Frazzani, Simona
2020 Quantum DevOps: Towards reliable and applicable NISQ Quantum Computing
Gheorghe-Pop, Ilie-Daniel; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ritter, Tom; Hauswirth, Manfred
Conference Paper
2020 Building Data ecosystems to unlock the value of Urban (Big) Data. A good practices reference guide
Radecki, Alanus von; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schaj, Gretel
2020 Industrial grade methodology for firewall simulation and requirements verification
Barakat, Ramon; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Rebahi, Yacine; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2020 Performance testing for VoIP emergency services
Subudhi, Budankailu Sameer Kumar; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Chiu, Kin Tsun; Rebahi, Yacine; Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp
Journal Article
2020 Towards accelerating intrusion detection operations at the edge network using FPGAs
Rebahi, Yacine; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Maedje, Laurenz; Alkhateeb, Omar; Elangovan, Vinoth Kumar; Apostolakis, Dimitris
Conference Paper
2020 Metadata harvesting and quality assurance within open urban platforms
Lämmel, Philipp; Dittwald, Benjamin; Bruns, Lina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Glikman, Yuri; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2020 TTCN-3 based NG112 test system and playground for emergency communication
Barakat, Ramon; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Rebahi, Yacine
Conference Paper
2020 Prototype implementation and evaluation of a blockchain component on IoT devices
Kullig, Niclas; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay
Journal Article
2019 Enabling the structuring, enhancement and creation of urban ICT through the extension of a standardized smart city reference model
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Rebahi, Yacine; Konitzer, Wojciech; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2019 Urbane Datenräume - Möglichkeiten von Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit im urbanen Raum. Handreichung zur Studie
Schieferdecker, Ina; Bruns, Lina; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Isakovic, Karsten; Klessmann, Jens; Lämmel, Philipp; Stadtkewitz, Dustin; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lange, Christoph; Imbusch, Benedikt T.; Strauß, Leonie; Vastag, Alex; Flocke, Florian; Kraft, Volker
2019 Experiences designing a multi-tier architecture for a decentralized blockchain application in the energy domain
Rangelov, Denis; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2019 Scalable and efficient distributed self-healing with self-optimization features in fixed IP networks
Tcholtchev, Nikolay
Doctoral Thesis
2019 The need for unified testbed management across multiple teams and stakeholders in a large scale Telecom integration context
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ulrich, Steven; Catal, Faruk; Konitzer, Wojciech; Barakat, Ramon; Hoffmann, Andreas; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2019 Visualization of traffic flows in a simulated network environment to investigate abnormal network behavior in complex network infrastructures
Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Höfig, Edzard; Hoffmann, Andreas
Journal Article
2019 Data Governance and Sovereignty in Urban Data Spaces based on Standardized ICT Reference Architectures
Cuno, Silke; Bruns, Lina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2019 Performance testing for VoIP emergency services
Subudhi, Budankailu Sameer Kumar; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Chiu, Kin Tsun; Rebahi, Yacine
Journal Article
2018 Enabling the interoperability of the Modelica DSL and Matlab Simulink towards the development of self-adaptive dynamic systems
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Dudeck, Grit; Wagner, Michael; Hein, Christian; Prakash, Arun; Ritter, Tom
Journal Article
2018 Urbane Datenräume - Möglichkeiten von Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit im urbanen Raum
Schieferdecker, Ina; Bruns, Lina; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Isakovic, Karsten; Klessmann, Jens; Lämmel, Philipp; Stadtkewitz, Dustin; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lange, Christoph; Imbusch, Benedikt T.; Strauß, Leonie; Vastag, Alex; Flocke, Florian; Kraft, Volker
2018 Urbane Datenplattformen in der Cloud
Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Facilitating eco-systems for Smart Cities through reference architectures
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2018 From metadata catalogs to distributed data processing for smart city platforms and services: A study on the interplay of CKAN and hadoop
Scholz, Robert; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2018 Towards a next generation 112 testbed
Rebahi, Y.; Chiu, K.T.; Tcholtchev, N.; Hohberg, S.; Pallis, E.; Markakis, E.
Journal Article
2017 Enhancing cloud based data platforms for Smart Cities with authentication and authorization features
Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2017 A CKAN plugin for data harvesting to the Hadoop distributed file system
Scholz, Robert; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2017 Towards an open data based ICT reference architecture for smart cities
Schieferdecker, Ina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Lapi, Evanela
Conference Paper
2016 Tretlagervorrichtung, Fahrrad mit mindestens einer Tretlagervorrichtung und System zur Lokalisierung mindestens eines Fahrrades
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Rennoch, Axel; Hoffmann, Andreas; Günther, Dirk de
2016 Systematic analysis of practical issues in test automation for communication based systems
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schneider, Martin; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2016 Urban data platforms - an overview
Schieferdecker, Ina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp
Conference Paper
2015 Auto-configuration of OSPFv3 routing in fixed IPv6 networks
Starschenko, Alexej; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Prakash, Arun; Schieferdecker, Ina; Chaparadza, Ranganai
Conference Paper
2015 Integriertes Internet-basiertes System für Authentifizierung und Autorisierung
Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2014 On the need for model-driven engineering for data harvesters based on experiences from the german GovData.DE Portal
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Prakash, Arun
Conference Paper
2014 VARIES framework to support tool integration in product line engineering
Wagner, Michael; Dudeck, Grit; Hein, Christian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Gebhardt, Christian; Korff, Andreas
Conference Paper
2014 Framework for distributed autonomic self-healing in fixed IPv6 networks
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2014 The concept of a mobility data cloud: Design, implementation and trials
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Dittwald, Benjamin; Scheel, Thomas; Zilci, Begüm Ilke; Schmidt, Danilo; Lämmel, Philipp; Jacobsen, Jurma; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2014 EAGLE - Open data and linked data architecture of an enhanced government learning platform
Damjanovic, Violeta; Glachs, Dietmar; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ras, Eric; Tobias, Eric
Conference Paper
2014 Integrating the Modelica DSL into a platform for model-based tool interoperability
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Dudeck, Grit; Wagner, Michael; Hein, Christian; Prakash, Arun; Ritter, Tom
Conference Paper
2014 Robust architecture for distributed intelligence in an IP-based mobile wide-area surveillance system
Nieminen, M.; Tcholtchev, N.; Schieferdecker, I.; Räty, T.
Journal Article
2014 Framework for ensuring runtime stability of control loops in multi-agent networked environments
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2013 Behavioral fuzzing operators for UML sequence diagrams
Schneider, M.; Großmann, J.; Tcholtchev, N.; Schieferdecker, I.; Pietschker, A.
Conference Paper
2013 Standardization of resilience & survivability, and autonomic fault-management, in evolving and future networks
Chaparadza, Ranganai; Wodczak, Michal; Ben Meriem, Tayeb; Lutiis, Paolo de; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ciavaglia, Laurent
Conference Paper
2013 Design and evaluation of techniques for resilience and survivability of the routing node
Wódczak, Michal; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Vidalenc, Bruno; Li, Yuhong
Journal Article
2013 Metadata aggregation at
Marienfeld, F.; Schieferdecker, I.; Lapi, E.; Tcholtchev, N.
Conference Paper
2012 Auto-collaboration for optimal network resource utilization in fixed IPv6 networks
Tcholtchev, N.; Prakash, A.; Schieferdecker, I.; Chaparadza, R.; Petre, R.
Conference Paper
2012 On the interplay of open data, cloud services and network providers towards electric mobility in smart cities
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Farid, Lena; Marienfeld, Florian; Schieferdecker, Ina; Dittwald, Benjamin; Lapi, Evanela
Conference Paper
2012 Identification and utilization of components for a linked open data platform
Lapi, Evanela; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Bassbouss, Louay; Marienfeld, Florian; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2012 Ein Metadaten-Schema für offene Daten, Dokumente und Applikationen
Lapi, Evanela; Marienfeld, Florian; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Klessmann, Jens; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2012 Open Government Data Deutschland
Klessmann, Jens; Denker, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina; Schulz, Sönke E.; Hoepner, Petra; Lapi, Evanela; Marienfeld, Florian; Müller, Lena-Sophie; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Rein-Fischböck, Katharina; Borchers, Kim-Carinna; Janda, Timm; Völz, Dominic; Warnecke, Thomas
2011 Addressing security issues in the autonomic Future Internet
Rebahi, Y.; Tcholtchev, N.; Chaparadza, R.; Merekoulias, V.N.
Conference Paper
2011 Addressing stability in future autonomic networking
Kastrinogiannis, T.; Tcholtchev, N.; Prakash, A.; Chaparadza, R.; Kaldanis, V.; Coskun, H.; Papavassiliou, S.
Conference Paper
2011 How autonomic fault-management can address current challenges in fault-management faced in IT and telecommunication networks
Chaparadza, R.; Tcholtchev, N.; Kaldanis, V.
Conference Paper
2010 Autonomic fault-management and resilience from the perspective of the network operation personnel
Tcholtchev, N.; Chaparadza, R.
Conference Paper
2010 On self-healing based on collaborating end-systems, access and core network components
Tcholtchev, N.; Chaparadza, R.
Conference Paper
2010 Scalable markov chain based algorithm for fault-isolation in autonomic networks
Tcholtchev, N.; Cavalcante, A.B.; Chaparadza, R.
Conference Paper
2010 Applying distributed monitoring techniques in autonomic networks
Liakopoulos, A.; Zafeiropoulos, A.; Marinos, C.; Grammatikou, M.; Tcholtchev, N.; Gouvas, P.
Conference Paper
2010 Towards a unified architecture for resilience, survivability and autonomic fault-management for self-managing networks
Tcholtchev, N.; Grajzer, M.; Vidalenc, B.
Conference Paper
2009 Implementation of the UniFAFF framework for autonomic fault-management in ANA networks
Chaparadza, R.; Tcholtchev, N.; Schieferdecker, I.
Conference Paper
2009 Components and mechanisms of autonomic fault-management for self-managing networks
Tcholtchev, N.
Diploma Thesis
2009 Addressing stability of control-loops in the context of the GANA architecture: Synchronization of actions and policies
Tcholtchev, N.; Chaparadza, R.; Prakash, A.
Conference Paper
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