Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev recognized as an accredited expert

The German Federal Railway Authority (EBA) has recognized FOKUS scientist Dr. Nikolay Tcholtchev as a testing expert for the digital control and safety technology of Deutsche Bahn (DB), specifically for the projects DSTW (Digital Signal Box) and bbIP (Railroad IP Network). With this recognition, approval tests can now be carried out for DB signaling, telecommunications, and electrotechnical (STE) systems.

Leeres Zugabteil auf dem europäischen Bahnhof. Blick aus dem Fenster auf die Eisenbahnen und Züge
© Viktoriia Fokina/iStock

The digitalization of rail traffic is expected to open up new possibilities: Fully automated trains run at shorter intervals, are controlled intelligently and automatically in real-time, and communicate with each other and the infrastructure. Rail traffic is to be made digital and automated based on an IP-based telecommunications network to achieve these goals.

Consideration of the security of such technologies and systems is required. Like all information and communications technologies, they are at risk from attackers and must be secured against failure. For this reason, elaborate testing procedures take place for their approval, which recognized experts carry out.

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