M.Sc. Philipp Lämmel

Philipp Lämmel is a team leader, project manager and research associate at the Competence Center SQC at the Fraunhofer-Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS

Education & Career

Philipp Lämmel holds a Master's degree (M.Sc.) in Computer Science from the FU Berlin. He currently works for the Fraunhofer Institute for Open Communication Systems FOKUS, where he is involved as team leader in several industry and research projects in the sections of urban ICT and quantum computing. His main research areas include the design, specification, implementation and evaluation of various open platforms in urban environments. The city is perceived as a distributed system with diverse stakeholders and their - sometimes conflicting - interests. With a particular focus on artificial intelligence and IT security across the entire life cycle, Philipp Lämmel supports cities and regions in the future-proof and sustainable implementation of digital projects. Aspects such as stakeholder management, requirements engineering, software design, quality assurance and SecDevOps are also covered.

In addition, Philipp Lämmel is regularly involved in technical project management at national and European level, reporting and the acquisition of industrial and research projects. He also supervises Master's and Bachelor's students with their theses on the above-mentioned topics.


  • Project management and team management
  • Urban ICT – open data, open urban platforms, quality assurance of urban data platforms
  • IT security 
  • Software and network architectures
  • Data analysis, artificial intelligence
  • Privacy Enhancing Technologies
  • IoT
  • Blockchain
  • SecDevOps
  • Quantum computing and quantum key distribution

Activities & Memberships

  • NA 043-02-03 AA
  • DIN SPEC 91377
  • DIN SPEC 91397
  • Morgenstadt (City of the Future) – Smart City Network of the Fraunhofer Gesellschaft

Selected Projects

  • HoVerSiD – Use of homomorphic encryption in the cloud to increase privacy and at the same time enable data analyses
  • SANIS – External expert to review the developed pseudonymisation concept
  • SLF – Strengthening the regional food system by developing digital data platforms for economic and nutritional data using artificial intelligence methods
  • KIVEP – Detecting compromised IoT devices with the help of artificial intelligence
  • Study/consulting on the “Social approach to the transition to smart cities” for European institutions
  • Study/consulting on “Key enabling technologies for Europe's technological sovereignt” for European institutions
  • Study/consulting on “Blockchain in International Trade and Supply Chains” for European institutions
  • Organisation of workshops to present relevant Smart City topics to industry and cities
  • Consulting for German and European cities in the section Smart City Technologies, Open Urban Platforms and ICT Reference Architectures for Sustainable Urban Development
  • Morgenstadt (City of the Future) – Smart City Network of the Fraunhofer Society
  • WindNODE – Use of blockchain in the smart energy section
  • H2020 Triangulum – Definition of an ICT reference architecture for smart cities
  • Urban data spaces – study, concept and definition of an urban data space on behalf of German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
  • European Innovation Partnership Smart Cities and Communities (EIP SCC) - regular participant, involved in the work of WS2 ICT Reference Architecture
  • Netzdaten-berlin.de – Open energy data in Berlin
  • Daten.berlin.de – Open Data Platform for the City of Berlin
  • GovData.DE – the platform for open administrative data in Germany
  • OGDD – Open Government Data Deutschland
  • Gemo – Collaborative eMobilty
  • Open Cities - European project focussing on technological infrastructures for smart cities


Publication Type
2024 Use of Semantic Artefacts in Agricultural Data-Driven Service Development
Cuno, Silke; Lämmel, Philipp
Conference Paper
2024 Towards Municipal Data Utilities: Experiences Regarding the Development of a Municipal Data Utility for Intra- and Intermunicipal Actors within the German City of Mainz
Lämmel, Philipp; Merbeth, Jonas; Cleffmann, Tim; Koch, Lukas
Journal Article
2023 An OMNeT++-Based Approach to Narrowband-IoT Traffic Generation for Machine Learning-Based Anomaly Detection
Darius, Paul; Rangelov, Denis; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
Conference Paper
2023 Towards an integrated methodology and toolchain for machine learning-based intrusion detection in Urban IoT networks and platforms
Rangelov, Denis; Lämmel, Philipp; Brunzel, Lisa; Borgert, Stephan; Darius, Paul; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Boerger, Michell
Journal Article
2023 Design and development of a short-term photovoltaic power output forecasting method based on Random Forest, Deep Neural Network and LSTM using readily available weather features
Rangelov, Denis; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Lämmel, Philipp; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2023 Social approach to the transition to smart cities
Macaluso, Agnese; Flickenschild, Michael; Gasparotti, Alessandro; Wedman, Hidde; Panagiotidou, Zinovia; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Fernandez Lopez, Trinidad; Baudouin, Philippe; Gars, Gaelle le
2022 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
Adler, Rasmus; Bunte, Andreas; Burton, Simon; Großmann, Jürgen; Jaschke, Alexander; Kleen, Philip; Lorenz, Jeanette Miriam; Ma, Jackie; Markert, Karla; Meeß, Henri; Meyer, Olga; Neuhüttler, Jens; Philipp, Patrick; Poretschkin, Maximilian; Rennoch, Axel; Roscher, Karsten; Sperl, Philip; Usländer, Thomas; Weicken, Eva; Wrobel, Stefan; Zidowitz, Stephan; Ziehn, Jens; Kläs, Michael; Cheng, Chih-Hong; Heinrich, Jana; Knoblauch, Dorian; Heidrich, Jens; Görge, Rebekka; Kolomiichuk, Sergii; Lämmel, Philipp; Plinge, Axel; Rauh, Lukas; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev
2022 DIN SPEC 91397. Leitfaden für die Implementierung von digitalen Systemen des Quartiersmanagements
Heuser, Lutz; Dickgießer, Daniel; Meevissen, Matthias; Bosak, Georg; Rapp, Harald; Schemann, Georg; Kubale, Sibylle; Schickel, Clemens; Kehren, Dieter; Alefs, Michael; Krüger, Tammo; Ruess, Patrick; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Herrmann, Christian; Rath, Michael; Schonowski, Joachim; Hübner, Bertram; Hülsmann, Christoph; Pollmann, Werner; Groß, Bastian; Schaffrin, Rüdiger; Berndt, Maria; Höffken, Stefan; Chevalier, Marion; Heyder, Monika; Koch, Andreas; Horster, Bettina; Feil, Rudi; Weiß, Wolfgang
2022 Enabling short-term energy flexibility markets through Blockchain
Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2022 Design and specification of a privacy-preserving registration for Blockchain-based energy markets
Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Hauswirth, Manfred
Journal Article
2021 Design and specification of a blockchain-based P2P energy trading platform
Rangelov, Denis; Subudhi, Budankailu Sameer Kumar; Lämmel, Philipp; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay Vassilev; Khan, Jaffer
Conference Paper
2021 Policies and Recommendations for IT Security in Urban Environments from the Morgenstadt Urban Data Partnership Project
Lämmel, Philipp; Boerger, Michell; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ottendörfer, Eva
Journal Article
2021 Ein Überblick urbaner Datenplattformen
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Raabe, Jacob
2021 Mythos Blockchain: Zwischen Hoffnung und Realität
Kirstein, Fabian; Lämmel, Philipp; Altenbernd, Anton
2020 Blockchain for supply chains and international trade
Copigneaux, Bertrand; Vlasov, Nikita; Bani, Emarildo; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Fuenfzig, Michael; Snoeijenbos, Simone; Flickenschild, Michael; Piantoni, Martina; Frazzani, Simona
2020 Deutsche Normungsroadmap Künstliche Intelligenz
Adler, R.; Kolomiichuk, Sergii; Hecker, Dirk; Lämmel, Philipp; Ma, Jackie; Marko, Angelina; Mock, Michael; Nagel, Tobias; Poretschkin, Maximilian; Rennoch, Axel; Röhler, Marcus; Ruf, Miriam; Schönhof, Raoul; Schneider, Martin A.; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Ziehn, Jens; Böttinger, Konstantin; Jedlitschka, Andreas; Oala, Luis; Sperl, Philip; Wenzel, Markus; et al.
2020 Building Data ecosystems to Unlock the Value of Urban (Big) Data. A good practices reference guide
Radecki, Alanus von; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schaj, Gretel
2020 Building Data ecosystems to unlock the value of Urban (Big) Data. A good practices reference guide
Radecki, Alanus von; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schaj, Gretel
2020 LabChain: An interactive prototype for synthetic peer-to-peer trade research in experimental energy economics
Johanning, Simon; Retzlaff, Nancy; Lämmel, Philipp; Dittwald, Benjamin; Bruckner, Thomas
Conference Paper
2020 Performance testing for VoIP emergency services
Subudhi, Budankailu Sameer Kumar; Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Chiu, Kin Tsun; Rebahi, Yacine; Boerger, Michell; Lämmel, Philipp
Journal Article
2020 Prototype implementation and evaluation of a blockchain component on IoT devices
Kullig, Niclas; Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay
Journal Article
2020 Metadata harvesting and quality assurance within open urban platforms
Lämmel, Philipp; Dittwald, Benjamin; Bruns, Lina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Glikman, Yuri; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2019 Enabling the structuring, enhancement and creation of urban ICT through the extension of a standardized smart city reference model
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Rebahi, Yacine; Konitzer, Wojciech; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2019 Data Governance and Sovereignty in Urban Data Spaces based on Standardized ICT Reference Architectures
Cuno, Silke; Bruns, Lina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2019 Urbane Datenräume - Möglichkeiten von Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit im urbanen Raum. Handreichung zur Studie
Schieferdecker, Ina; Bruns, Lina; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Isakovic, Karsten; Klessmann, Jens; Lämmel, Philipp; Stadtkewitz, Dustin; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lange, Christoph; Imbusch, Benedikt T.; Strauß, Leonie; Vastag, Alex; Flocke, Florian; Kraft, Volker
2019 Experiences designing a multi-tier architecture for a decentralized blockchain application in the energy domain
Rangelov, Denis; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2019 Weiße Flecken in der digitalen Vernetzung der Energiewirtschaft. IuK-Ansätze und -Lösungen
Knorr, Kaspar; Schütt, Jonathan; Strahlhoff, Julia; Kroschewski, Theresa; Siegl, Stefan; Werner, Uta; Willner, A.; Eckert, K.-P.; Wolf, A.; Lämmel, Philipp; Hasse, P.
2018 From metadata catalogs to distributed data processing for smart city platforms and services: A study on the interplay of CKAN and hadoop
Scholz, Robert; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2018 Triangulum - demonstrate, disseminate, replicate
Stöffler, Sonja; Lämmel, Philipp; Schmidt, Alexander; Shetty, Nikita; Padilla, Marielisa; Fasoula, Eva
2018 Urbane Datenplattformen in der Cloud
Catal, Faruk; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Aufsatz in Buch
Book Article
2018 Facilitating eco-systems for Smart Cities through reference architectures
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2018 Urbane Datenräume - Möglichkeiten von Datenaustausch und Zusammenarbeit im urbanen Raum
Schieferdecker, Ina; Bruns, Lina; Cuno, Silke; Flügge, Matthias; Isakovic, Karsten; Klessmann, Jens; Lämmel, Philipp; Stadtkewitz, Dustin; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lange, Christoph; Imbusch, Benedikt T.; Strauß, Leonie; Vastag, Alex; Flocke, Florian; Kraft, Volker
2017 A CKAN plugin for data harvesting to the Hadoop distributed file system
Scholz, Robert; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2017 Towards an open data based ICT reference architecture for smart cities
Schieferdecker, Ina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp; Scholz, Robert; Lapi, Evanela
Conference Paper
2017 Enhancing cloud based data platforms for Smart Cities with authentication and authorization features
Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
2016 Urban data platforms - an overview
Schieferdecker, Ina; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Lämmel, Philipp
Conference Paper
2015 Integriertes Internet-basiertes System für Authentifizierung und Autorisierung
Lämmel, Philipp; Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Schieferdecker, Ina
Journal Article
2014 The concept of a mobility data cloud: Design, implementation and trials
Tcholtchev, Nikolay; Dittwald, Benjamin; Scheel, Thomas; Zilci, Begüm Ilke; Schmidt, Danilo; Lämmel, Philipp; Jacobsen, Jurma; Schieferdecker, Ina
Conference Paper
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