
Profiles for Public Administration

A photo showing a daily routine at the office. Some are standing up having conversations, some are sitting down chatting. They are smartly dressed. The office is spacious, modern and has large windows. Horizontal daylight indoor photo.
© iStock / AnVr

The current Internet protocol version 4 (IPv4) is the most important technical foundation of the Internet. IPv4 uses 32 bit addresses and is therefore limited to four billion unique IP addresses. The rapid growth and the connection of more and more devices to the Internet (e.g. TVs, Smartphones, sensors etc.) have lead to a shortage of addresses and have made the migration from IPv4 to the successor protocol IPv6 inevitable.

There is still little practical experience in Europe on the widespread introduction and operation of the new Internet protocol. The use of IPv6 in the federal, state and municipal IT standard architectures is not yet well defined. Particularly public administration often uses components (hardware and software) whose full compatibility with the IPv6 protocol has in many cases not yet been determined. This is most often caused by the different maturity levels with which IPv6 has been implemented in a variety of products.

Project Objectives

Fraunhofer FOKUS as an expert in “one-stop government” and BearingPoint were commissioned by the German Federal Office of Administration (BVA) to carry out the research project “IPv6 profiles” for public administrations under the supervision of the BVA.

The project objectives include: The definition of profiles for device classes, the assessment of migration strategies for IPv6 and the documentation thereof. This project presents a significant contribution to the future-proof migration of the German network infrastructures to IPv6. It has been carried out in close collaboration with the German Federal Ministry of the Interior. The experience gained in the course of this project will be incorporated into IPv6-related projects started by the EU commission and will be further supplemented.

Taking current developments into account, a technical criteria catalogue as well as IPv6 profiles for the public administration will be developed. The results are recommendations for the introduction and provisioning of IPv6-compliant components. Complex migration scenarios are re-enacted in the network and eGovernment laboratories of Fraunhofer FOKUS in order to define, test and document migration steps from an IPv4-only infrastructure to an IPv4/IPv6 dual stack infrastructure. Therewith, practical knowledge about the migration, the necessary steps and the expected complexity will be documented. In parallel, a realistic assessment of the IPv6 functionality within the IT infrastructure and for the used software components can be achieved.