Digital Public Services Projekte

  • Ein Arbeiter auf einer Baustelle benutzt ein Tablet.
    © iStock / South_agency

    As part of the “Transfer Point” project of the “IT Security for the Economy” initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the business units Collaborative Safety and Security (ESPRI) and Digital Public Services (DPS) are developing solutions to support small and medium businesses with practical and up-to-date information on protection against cyber attacks.

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  • Blauer Himmel mit einzelnen Wolken, eine Hand greift nach einer der Wolken
    © istock / cobalt

    Cloud for Europe (C4E) addresses the goals of the European Cloud Partnership program. The main objectives of C4E are to build trust in European Cloud Computing, to remove the obstacles for Cloud adoption and to harmonize the requirements from different public organizations beyond national borders.

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    EnhAnced Government LEarning

    View of the main square from town hall tower in Rothenburg ob der Tauber
    © istock / Zach Zimet

    EAGLE aims at equipping employees in local government administration in rural communities with a holistic training solution that supports learning of critical transversal skills such as ICT literacy, information literacy and professional management of change situations in entire organizations at all levels.

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  • Middle aged bearded man carrying solar panel near house in rural zone. Alternative energy, renewable energy source and sustainable energy resources concept. Energy independence.
    © istock / Ekaterina Fedulyeva

    The aim of FLEXCoop is to introduce a fully automated demand response framework and a tool environment for private electricity generators and consumers.

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  • International Data Spaces

    Sovereign and secure data exchange

    Shot of two unrecognisable people using Covid-19 tracking apps on their smartphones in the city
    © istock / PeopleImages

    International Data Spaces (IDS) enable open data marketplaces for the economy and serve as blueprints for secure data ecosystems. International Data Spaces form the digital infrastructure for companies.

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    AI speech assistance in paramedicine

    A 6 year old African-American girl sitting on a hospital gurney, with a doctor and nurse tending to her.  She is wearing a hospital gown and surgical cap. A nurse in scrubs, a young Middle Eastern man in his 20s, is standing on one side of her, and a female doctor, a mature woman in her 40s, is standing on the other side.
    © istock/kali9

    In the HYKIST project, a real-time-based AI speech assistance system for basic and emergency medicine is being developed as a pilot. The AI-supported communication is intended to facilitate conversations with medical professionals for people who have only limited German skills. Thanks to automatic speech recognition, machine translation and linkage to a teleconferencing platform, the supervising interpreters are supported in conveying complex medical issues in a user-friendly way.

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  • engineers of wind turbine.
    © istock / BulentBARIS

    The aim of WindNODE is to establish a model region for intelligent electric energy in Northeastern Germany. The digitization of the increasingly decentralized energy system with the development of ICT services as well as the development of an Open Data portal are main subjects of the project.

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  • EU project GLASS

    Service platform for efficient, transparent administrative services

    Hands of african american woman using mobile phone to check payments, account statement and transaction history. Close up of black woman hand using smartphone for checking the balance of her online wallet. Checking expenses of the month on smart phone by internet banking.
    © iStock / Ridofranz

    The project GLASS aims to fundamentally improve and automate the administrative processes, service quality and data exchange of public administration.

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  • KI4KL

    “Application Centre for Artificial Intelligence for Municipal Solutions”

    Abstract fibers neural networks background.
    © istock / imaginima

    The application centre “Artificial Intelligence for Municipal Solutions (AZ KI4KL)” will be established in the city of Gelsenkirchen by the end of 2025, combining the AI expertise of various partners from public administration, science and business. Fraunhofer FOKUS is contributing its scientific and technological expertise here.

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  • KiezRadar

    The app for more civil participation

    KIEZRADAR Workshop im Citylab Flughafen Tempelhof Berlin, 2019
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    What’s happening in my neighbourhood? What options for participation are there in my area? What does local deal with? In the future, citizens should no longer have to go through Berlin's digital offerings themselves. The app “KiezRadar” will proactively inform citizens about important political and administrative events according to their needs.

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Project: Berlin PC
Duration: 01.08.2013 – 31.12.2014

Standardized IT workplace

The Berlin administrative authorities have around 75,000 PC workplaces which are very complicated to maintain due to a variety of non-homogeneous regional solutions. A standardized IT workplace (BerlinPC) should help establish a modern, secure, powerful and cost-efficient software, services and system architecture. BerlinPC is the central platform for running the special applications of each department. It enables location-independent access to applications and data, reduces the number of fault-prone interfaces and the amount effort expended on IT measures, and will make it easier to automate IT operations in the future.

Logo Carneades

Project: Carneades
Duration: 01.01.2012 – 31.12.2017

The Carneades argumentation system, being developed at Fraunhofer FOKUS, is a web-based, collaborative software system for the (re-) construction, evaluation, visualization and interchange of arguments.

In a five-year R&D project, together with Prof. Douglas Walton at the University of Windsor (Canada), funded by the Canadian Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, we are working on the following five topics:

  • Developing a general formalism for argumentation schemes, which allows a wide variety of schemes to be modeled in such a way as to be useful for argument construction, reconstruction and evaluation, in a well integrated way that allows the many schemes to be used together.
  • Developing a language for specifying argumentation protocols for different dialogue types and extending Carneades with tools which use these specifications to support the procedural aspects of argumentation in dialogues.
  • Developing a formal language for expressing procedural rules or constraints specifying which party shall be assigned a particular burden of proof for some issue, along with the applicable proof standard, in each stage of the dialogue, and to extend the Carneades argumentation software to automatically assign the specified proof burdens and standards as the dialogue proceeds.
  • Modelling methods and canons of statutory interpretation as argumentation schemes, using the formal language we will develop for representing argumentation schemes.
  •  Extending Carneades to provide better support for evidential reasoning, building on prior work interpreting and evaluating evidence by constructing stories and comparing their coherence.

Carneades on Github


Project: Cloudless
Duration: 01.01.2015 – 31.12.2017

The cloud computing software framework for privacy and data securityp

Cloudless is a JavaScript based technology-platform. As a software framework Cloudless is addressing typical cloud computing trends and challenges. The framework enables privacy assured administration and complete offline operation of software-as-a-service solutions. Thus Cloudless solves challenges in information security, data protection and privacy, resilience and performance of IT solutions as well as for mobile use cases. At the same time Cloudless facilitates the development of web applications by delivering basic functions like user- and identity management or database integration out of the box.

 The Cloudless technology has advantages for various industries, but is particularly relevant to the professional secrecy segment. Here, Cloudless technological innovations solve the problem, that software-as-a-service can currently not be used in legally compliant way for professional secrecy keepers like doctors, lawyers, etc.. With Cloudless, a new, safe and right-to-the-generation generation of SaaS specialist applications is emerging for professions under professional secrecy regulation.

The Cloudless technology will be offered in 2017 via a spin-off of the Fraunhofer Institute FOKUS.

Logo GeMo - Gemeinschaftliche Mobilität

Project: GeMo – Gemeinschaftliche Mobilität
Duration: 01.12.2011 – 31.10.2014

Shared use of electric mobility

Sharing cars instead of buying them – the concept of car-sharing already exists in many big cities. In the electro-mobile future, urban citizens will make common use of the infrastructure and a large number of vehicles. This is what scientists working at Fraunhofer Institute predict. In order to turn this vision into reality, scientists are working on the “Beyond Tomorrow Project” called “Shared use of e-mobility: vehicles, data and infrastructure“, or GeMo for short in German.

Less pollution, less noise, a better quality of life – very good reasons to focus on electricity when it comes to the topic of mobility. If the EU has its way, we will only be driving electric vehicles in all major European cities as early as 2050. A good thing to aim for, but experts go even further: citizens will be able to dispense with their own cars and share the use of electric vehicles.

GeMo is one of seven “Beyond Tomorrow Projects” in which scientists are working on finding solutions for the pressing issues of the future.

Project website

Benjamin Dittwald, Deputy Head Open Service Engineering (OSE) at Business Unit DPS
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Nikolay Vassilev Tcholtchev, Head of Quality Engineering for Urban ICT and Quantum Computing at Business Unit SQC


Project: OCEAN – Open Cloud for Europe, JApan and beyoNd
Duration: 01.10.2012 – 30.09.2014

The fundamental goal of OCEAN is to foster the emergence of a sustainable open source cloud ecosystem and boost market innovation in Europe, by generating greater efficiency and economies of scale among collaborative research projects on open source cloud computing. OCEAN is addressing European FP7 projects funded under the Objective ICT-2011.1.2 as well as other European, European national and Japanese open cloud collaborative projects.

OCEAN is to play a pivotal role among collaborative cloud research projects, especially those that are naturally following an open source approach, to help reveal commonalities, being either potential overlapping and/or opportunities for collaboration and synergies. The OCEAN project is launched in order to provide the following results:

  • Identify current collaborative projects developing open cloud components among European FP7 research projects, other European national research projects, Japanese research projects and register them together with other open cloud projects in an online Open Cloud Innovation Directory.
  • Provide a relative positioning or functional mapping of these projects, in relation with key standards and reference models provided by leading standard defining organizations such as NIST, ETSI, DMTF, OGF, etc in what we call a Open Cloud Interoperability Framework and Roadmap.
  • Pre-test and review software artefacts from some open cloud projects and provide online services enabling open cloud projects to build and test their software.
  • Foster cooperation and integration between projects through the organization of two annual events called “Plugfests” that will provide project teams the appropriate environment to work on the integration and interoperability of their software.
  • Foster collaboration between European and Japanese entities on open cloud computing, cloud interoperability and standardisation by involving them in the organised Plugfests and in discussions on the Open Cloud Interoperability Framework and Roadmap.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Yury Glikman, Groupleader Business Unit DPS

Logo Policy Compass

Project: Policy Compass
Duration: 01.10.2013 – 30.06.2016

The main goal of Policy Compass is to develop a research prototype of an easy-to-use, highly visual and intuitive tool for social networks and eParticipation platforms, enabling citizens and public officials to easily create, apply, share, embed, annotate and discuss causal models, charts and graphs of historical data from trusted open data sources. The aim is to develop methods and tools that facilitate more factual, evidence-based, transparent and accountable policy evaluation and analysis. The project aims also to facilitate more objective, evidence-based and transparent policy deliberations.

 The research question the Policy Compass project will address is whether and how open public data, social media, eParticipation platforms, fuzzy cognitive maps and argumentation technology can be integrated and applied to provide better tools on the World Wide Web for constructing, sharing, visualising and debating progress metrics and causal models of policies.

The aim is to provide easy-to-use tools for both the lay public, on social networks, as well as professional policy makers, to improve the quality and transparency of the policy analysis and monitoring phases of the policy life-cycle. Policy Compass will make use of Europe’s increasing amount of public sector open and structured data resources. Policy Compass will make better use of Europe’s open public data resources and empower policy-makers and citizens (especially the younger generation) to better assess government policies in the policy analysis and monitoring phases of the policy cycle.

Contact: Dr.-Ing. Yury Glikman, Groupleader Business Unit DPS

Logo tag.check.score

Project: tag.check.score
Duration: 01.11.2011 – 31.10.2014

To open up the image archives of the Berlin Ethnological Museum to the public, the museum and Fraunhofer FOKUS developed the Tag.Check.Score. crowdsourcing app in the context of the Code for Europe initiative. The app is based on the idea of digital volunteer work. With the app, users can add metadata to the museum’s photos, correct existing tags and earn points doing so. The goal of Tag.Check.Score. is to develop an open-source solution that other museums, libraries and archives can also use to tackle similar challenges.

Contact: Dr. Jens Klessmann, Head of Business Unit DPS

Logo Trusted Capital Cloud

Project: Trusted Capital Cloud
Duration: 01.01.2013 – 30.11.2014

As part of the “Capital Cloud Initiative” of the Berlin Senate Department for Economics, Technology and Research and the ICT & Digital Business Association Berlin-Brandenburg (SIBB) the PROFIT funding project “Trusted Capital Cloud (TCC)“ was conducted by the partners StoneOne AG, TU Berlin and Fraunhofer FOKUS.

The aim was to create a B2B-marketplace for trusted and proven cloud services. Therefore the marketplace provides typical chargeable services in a structured and transparent manner covering the scope of infrastructure as a service (IaaS), platform as a service (PaaS) and software as a service (SaaS).

Accordingly, medium sized enterprises in the capital region have the opportunity to get an access to appropriate cloud services and to minimize their occurring evaluation effort. In addition, cloud service provider can make their services accessible to a much broader customer base.