Support Centre for Data Sharing (SCDS)

Shot of two unrecognisable people using Covid-19 tracking apps on their smartphones in the city
© istock / PeopleImages

The “Support Centre for Data Sharing” (SCDS) is a new initiative funded by the European Commission to further support the development of the digital single market. The objective is to facilitate the exchange of data between private or public organisations and thus enable the broad use of data.

Together with two partners, Fraunhofer FOKUS has been commissioned to construct and operate the “Support Centre for Data Sharing”.

The focus is on the practitioners themselves, who will be provided with an environment in which experience and knowledge can be shared and utilised in equal measure. This way, the potential of existing data will be exploited in the best possible way and made accessible to interested citizens as well as companies and organisations in the European Union.

The portal consists of four pillars:

  • An overview centre for data sharing: This is where existing experiences in the field of data sharing will be collected and technical and legal aspects of data sharing will be researched.
  • A feedback service through which SCDS users can share their experiences with data sharing and a “Helpdesk” to support users.
  • Communication measures to inform the public about the opportunities arising through data sharing and its economic and social benefits.
  • A website which provides the public with access to all the above-mentioned aspects.

In addition to research and reporting on key technical issues relating to data exchange, particular attention will also be given to implementation recommendations and assistance in specific cases.

In addition to Fraunhofer FOKUS, the consortium partners are Capgemini Invent as project manager and the company time.lex for legal aspects.

Fraunhofer FOKUS is responsible for all technical tasks. This includes the complete conceptualisation, implementation and administration of the SCDS portal. FOKUS will also be responsible for technical consulting in the areas of data interfaces, data security and traceability as well as the clear identification of data sources.