Research and Solutions

© Fraunhofer FOKUS

Setting trends and boosting innovation in the fields of cross-platform application development, web technologies and creativity are top priorities at the FOKUS Business Unit of Future Applications and Media.

With our technical solutions, we enable platform-independent multiscreen and rich media applications. Our experienced research team offers cutting-edge expertise.

To stay informed about our latest developments as well as upcoming events, including the FOKUS Media Web Symposium, please subscribe to our newsletter.

Working Areas


360° on TV

360° video got quite popular and we have been working on solutions for efficient delivery of high-resolution content, especially also to TV devices (in addition to Head-Mounted Displays).


AI and Machine Learning

The researchers and developers of FAME dive deep into the different areas of these concepts and examine the applicability of various media-related applications and technologies.


Learning Technologies

R&D of learning technologies that satisfy the needs of learners, pedagogical staff, content creators, managers of educational institutions and external stakeholders, such as employers and personnel developers.


Standardization Activities

Fraunhofer FOKUS is an active member in W3C and contributes to the HbbTV and the MPEG-DASH industry standards.


Hybrid TV & HbbTV

Fraunhofer FOKUS supports actively standardization efforts with contributions and proof-of-concept implementations as well as interoperability testing.


Stay updated on our research and prototyping activities and read the latest articles on our FAME Video Dev Blog