Governments Enabled with IPv6

"Stock Market; European Union Currency; Photography; Building Exterior; Nobody; Flagpole Sitting; Europa Tower; Banking; European Community; European Central Bank; Euro Symbol; Color Image; European Union Symbol; European Union Flag; Skyscraper; Directly Below; Office Building; Star Shape; Blue; Glass; Metal; Business; Finance; Outdoors; Horizontal; Low Angle View; Frankfurt; Hessen; Western Europe; Europe; Sky; Window; Bank; Built Structure; Financial District; Flag; Symbol; EZB";
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The need for IPv6 implementation has become obvious since the beginning of the IPv4 shortage a few years ago. But there are still only a few success stories of implementations in heterogeneous infrastructures. Especially in the public administration such success stories are missing. With the EC-funded project “Governments Enabled with IPv6” the IPv6 transition of existing eGovernment infrastructures has been shown in some complementary pilots over the last three years. GEN6 has run several National and Cross-Border Pilots. This will allow to experiment, learn and provide general guidelines for planning and transition steps.

  • IPv6 networks topologies and addressing types.
  • IPv6 addressing technologies and addressing plans for Governments.
  • IPv6 transition technologies and support.
  • IPv6 deployment support.

The outcome of the national pilots will contribute to these guidelines and will provide additional documentation based on transition experience in the fields of:

  • network equipment (switches, router, firewalls, load balancers, …)
  • network provider access points (CPE, fiber, xDSL, …)
  • middleware and technologies like webservers, portals, databases

The GEN6 project is now in its final phase and shares its experiences. Besides the technical documentation, the national pilots have documented the efforts and costs for the transition and estimate possible benefits from the IPv6 upgrade.