Interoperability and standardisation

Interoperability can only be achieved by working together

abstract business life at night of modern city, motion blurred.
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Whenever different systems, technologies and products are to interact, they need a common understanding of the data content and the communication mechanisms used to exchange it. Standardisation is an important concept for the error-free and loss-free exchange of data in the Babylonian diversity of IT. Fraunhofer FOKUS cooperates with national and international partners from industry and public administration in various standardisation bodies such as DIN, ISO/IEC, OMG and dedicated committees.

We support manufacturers, IT service providers and users with the following services:

  • Development of standards and associated conformity and interoperability tests
  • Identification of compatibility issues, migration from proprietary solutions to standards-based solutions
  • Practical analyses, consulting and technical white papers

Core areas of standardisation in the Digital Public Services business unit:

  • Cloud standardisation (ISO/IEC, DIN, ITU-T)
  • Investigation of cloud use cases
  • Vocabulary and reference architecture for the cloud
  • Quality of cloud services

Metadata standardisation (DCAT-AP)

  • Development of standards for describing and merging open data from different catalogues