Collaborative Safety and Health Projects

  • Ein Arbeiter auf einer Baustelle benutzt ein Tablet.
    © iStock / South_agency

    As part of the “Transfer Point” project of the “IT Security for the Economy” initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), the business units Collaborative Safety and Security (ESPRI) and Digital Public Services (DPS) are developing solutions to support small and medium businesses with practical and up-to-date information on protection against cyber attacks.

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    nExt generation eMergencY commuNicatiOnS

    Rettungshubschrauber auf dem Dach des Unfallkrankenhaus Marzahn in 4 Sanitäter einen Patienten auf einer Trage verladen
    © Matthias Heyde / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    Within the EMYNOS project, a next-generation emergency communication platform ist to be designed and implemented. The project aims to coordinating communication among citizens, call centers and first responders.

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  • AI generated image of a server room filled with yellow light a person with a laptop sitting between the servers on the floor
    © AI-generated / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    ELITE pursues the goal of making complex attacks and defense technologies of IT security tangible and experienceable for broad target groups. An immersive environment in the form of an exhibit construction kit, the so-called IT-Sec.PopUp-Lab, is to be created to give visitors a concrete impression of IT security risks.

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    AI speech assistance in paramedicine

    A 6 year old African-American girl sitting on a hospital gurney, with a doctor and nurse tending to her.  She is wearing a hospital gown and surgical cap. A nurse in scrubs, a young Middle Eastern man in his 20s, is standing on one side of her, and a female doctor, a mature woman in her 40s, is standing on the other side.
    © istock/kali9

    In the HYKIST project, a real-time-based AI speech assistance system for basic and emergency medicine is being developed as a pilot. The AI-supported communication is intended to facilitate conversations with medical professionals for people who have only limited German skills. Thanks to automatic speech recognition, machine translation and linkage to a teleconferencing platform, the supervising interpreters are supported in conveying complex medical issues in a user-friendly way.

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  • Eine verschwommene Menschenmenge in einem lichtdurchfluteten Gang
    © istock / rclassenlayouts

    The German-French research project SAFEST is focused on the development of hazard detection and crisis management system for high-traffic public areas. With the aid of infrared cameras, the system detects sudden changes in crowd numbers and critical crowd situations before mass panic can break out.

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  • Eine Gruppe junger Menschen steht vor einem Veranstaltungsort mit Einlass- und Sicherheitspersonal in einer Schlage
    © Matthias Heyde / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The project IMSK an information platform is developed, which combines different technologies to monitor areas and control points, the detection of weapons of mass destruction as well as for the VIP protection.

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  • Lernlabor Cybersicherheit Berlin
    © HTW Berlin

    Within the framework of the Fraunhofer Academy, the business unit collaborative safety and security developed training courses for specialists and users in the CyberSecurity learning laboratory with the University of Applied Sciences Berlin (HTW Berlin).

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  • NEF (Noteinsatzfahrzeug) der Feuerwehr auf dem Gelände des Westend-Klinkums in Berlin; Frau mit Handy im Vordergrund, Mai 2013
    © Matthias Heyde / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The goal of the ENSURE project is to see that volunteers are organized quickly and efficiently in emergency situations. The project is concerned with locating members of the public who have the kind of special skills needed in emergencies and disasters. The selected volunteers will be alerted and coordinated via smartphone app.

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  • BERKoS and fit4sec

    Development of European consortia for security research

    Montage image of a woman using and typing on laptop computer with the dashboard of TopicMatcher
    © Fraunhofer FOKUS / istock / Farknot_Architect

    Based on the fit4sec project, the BERKoS project supports German actors in the formation of new research consortia. For this purpose, Fraunhofer FOKUS is realizing a platform, which helps users such as security authorities and companies to get an overview of the research and innovation landscape, to recognize innovation potentials faster and to find suitable partners more easily.

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  • LaBeCo

    Psychosocial situation of the population during the Corona pandemic

    Symbolbild Corona Pandemie Maßnahmen: Gäste einer gastronomischen Einrichtung tragen Mund-Nasen-Schutz, der Außenbereich der Gastronomie ist abgesperrt
    © Philipp Plum / Fraunhofer FOKUS

    The aim of the BMBF-funded project “Psychosocial situation picture of the population during the corona pandemic” (LaBeCo) is the retrospective collection and systematization of psychosocial situation information for Germany during the corona crisis.

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